Chapter 13

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Carlos's anger radiated through the air around us. He refused to look at me as Finn stood by him in solidarity. Jessie sighed and fussed with the straps on Ryder's belt. Doc was lecturing Rowan off to the side.

This was it. Since the moment we left the fort, this was where it all had been leading to. I tugged on the ski mask, adjusting it as the cold bit through my warm clothing. Azrael made circles around me, making sure my climbing gear was snug.

Chogan spoke with Isaac in hushed tones, both throwing glances Doc's way. Only six of us were making the climb. My guys and me. Carlos was furious, absolutely refusing to talk to any of us since the night before when we announced our plans. Doc wasn't too happy either, but he knew that there would be no way for him to make the climb, not until we found a safe route inside.

Azrael nodded at me, scanning my equipment one more time before moving to Ryder. Ryder rolled his eyes but stood still for Azrael to adjust some of the straps. Jessie grinned at her brother's irritation before sidestepping to where I stood. She noticed me watching Carlos.

"Ah he'll come around." She swung an arm over my shoulder. "I kind of wish I was coming up there with you. I don't want to miss the excitement, but I also don't want to leave these luxurious hot springs."

"Keep an eye on him for me?" I begged her. "I know he's technically an adult now, but I have a bad feeling that he's going to make a dumb decision and get himself killed."

"Don't worry. I'll watch him like he's my own brother. I don't think Ian or Finn will let him get himself into too much trouble either. But you have to do me a favor and take care of my brother in return."

"Of course." A tightness in my chest eased a bit. Fresh snow was falling again. Jessie's cheeks were pink from the wind whipping over the mountain and blasting into us.

"Alright. It's time for us to go. We don't know how long it will take us to find the entrance to this place." Rowan called out to our group. Those staying behind lined up behind us just as the sun was starting to rise over the tops of the trees. Everyone waved as we began the climb.

The snow crunched under my new boots and snowshoes. The pack on my back was heavy, but it was filled with necessary supplies. We had an easy going couple of hours. The mountain wasn't steep enough to really need the rock climbing gear, but Azrael led the way, finding crevices to stick the cams in.

Chogan was behind Azrael, mapping out the way we needed to go to get to the coordinates. Kaito was behind him, then myself, with Ryder following me, and finally Rowan leading the way. Azrael had the most experience with rock climbing. Kaito and Rowan had done it recreationally. Everyone was split up in order to provide assistance to those of us who had zero experience.

The start of the climb was a steep uphill journey. I used two trekking poles to help stabilize myself. Twice, Ryder slipped and ended up in a pile of deep snow. He sputtered and coughed up the frozen flakes accidentally inhaled. Rowan helped dust him off so the snowflakes wouldn't melt and cause Ryder to freeze in wet clothes.

Approximately three hours into the climb, we stopped to rest and eat. No one spoke. The only noises permeating the air was the crunching of nuts and the crinkling of plastic. Kaito passed me a bag of jerky that I devoured. I had chosen to take two iron pills this morning, doubting we would find biters this far up the mountain side. I needed a clear head and extra focus on the task at hand rather than be led by rage and hormones.

A cold chill took me by surprise as snow drifted between my jacket and skin, kissing my exposed neck. Chogan slouched against a boulder, resting his eyes. His scar was white in contrast to his reddened skin from the chilly air. He was beautiful. Azrael shifted his body closer to Chogan, making sure Chogan didn't accidentally stumble if he drifted off to sleep standing up. My heart swelled in my chest, and I ducked my head to hide a slight smile.

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