Chapter 5

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I slammed onto my back, opening and closing my mouth several times before air filled my lungs and I could breathe again. I growled in frustration and rolled to my feet, circling around the man in front of me again.

Kaito grinned at me, which only ignited my determination to see him flat on his ass. Although, after this last time knocking the wind out of me, I owed him more than that. I side-stepped his lunge towards me, pivoting on the heel of my right foot, twisting around. He caught himself before falling forward, but he was already vulnerable.

I launched my knee towards his chest. Kaito caught my leg and yanked me forward. Rather than fall into his arms like he wanted, I jumped up with my free leg and twisted in the air, loosening his grip on my leg. Kaito was forced to let go as a fell into a crouch.

"You're getting better at escaping." He signed with a grin. "Although, I have every intention of trapping you under me."

I stood up from my crouch and sauntered over to Kaito. My hips swayed, and I made sure sex radiated off of me. Kaito paused as his roamed over my body, the borrowed workout gear from Jessie clung to my frame. His grinned widened as I ran my hands up his slick chest.

Desire washed over me, but I didn't let myself become distracted as I pressed further against him, slipping my foot behind his. I leaned up to kiss him, his eyes started to flutter shut, but right before our lips touched, I shoved him. Not expecting it, Kaito tried to move his feet to catch himself, but with my foot behind his, he tumbled onto the ground.

Laughter rang out around us as Jessie jumped up and down clapping. Even Sam had a smirk on her face. Azrael shook his head while Ryder walked closer to help Kaito to his feet.

"That was a cheap trick." Carlos cackled, his arm slung around Finn.

Lowering my voice so only Ryder and Kaito could hear, I stated, "I'm still angry at the lot of you. Im not mad about the connection we apparently have, but I'm angry not a single one of you told me about the connection while I was still trapped."

The trail back to the bus and van was clear. We had driven only 100 miles yesterday before finding another park to rest at. This one had had two biters roaming around, but they were quickly dispatched by Isaac and Azrael.

Pine trees, still full of their needles, towered above the small walking trail. Their aroma permeated the air. A few live oaks grew scattered amongst the pines. They were old with thick low hanging branches, the kind perfect for building tree houses. One such oak was not even twenty feet from the path.

I changed direction and strolled to the old giant. My fingers trailed along the bark of a branch that was the height of my head, seeking out the comfort of something that has been on this earth far longer than I have and continues to thrive.

The tree was magnificent, the trunk rounder than three of me holding hands, and it's branches were wide and spread out like a spider with more than eight legs. What a wonder it would have been to see in the spring, covered in leaves with moss and vines coating it's limbs.

I reached up and found a knot I could grip, planting a foot in a crevice, then hauled myself up onto the first branch. From there, I made my way further up until I found the perfect resting place where three branches merged with the trunk, creating a tiny nook I could lounge in.

The guys had tried to speak to me last night, but I had gone to sleep in the bus despite Jessie, Isaac, and Ian readily agreeing to let us sleep in their van. My emotions about what had happen and their revelation were all over the place. How would I have responded had I known they were connected to me?

A soft breeze tickled the side of my neck as loose strands of my hair floated around my face. I needed a shower, but due to limited resources, we had decided to only use the contraption Ian had designed to catch rain water for showers once a week. It was still better than what we could have had if they hadn't decided on joining us.

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