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"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" Pope asked as my brother stood at the top of the roof.

Somehow, I managed to convince my brother, John B, to let me join him and his friends for a drink. Being just a year younger than them, I'm seen as the baby.

Pope is the smartest of their friend group. With his brains, he'll have a scholarship easily. He's sitting on the deck, messing around with tools.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kiara informs us, walking out of the house being build.

Kiara, also known as Kie, is the typical animal saver that loves the planet. If she ever saw you litter, she would force you to pick it up.

"Of course. Why wouldn't they?" JJ chuckles.

JJ Maybank, definitely my favorite of my brothers friends. His charming looks make it easy for him to fool people. He's known as a thief.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kie grumbles.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ warns John, who is dangling his foot off the roof.

"Oh, shit!" John B gasps as he nearly falls. A laugh escapes my lips as the beer can falls out of his hand and onto the deck.

"Smooth." I smile at my brother. JJ makes his way over and sits with me on the railing of the deck. He hands me another beer.

"Don't give her too much of that. She's just a kid." John warns JJ.

"I'm only ten months younger than you." I roll my eyes, finishing the rest of the beer then opening the new one.

"Hey, uh, security's here." Pope shouts. JJ grabs my wrist and starts running. I tail behind him, feeling the adrenaline rush throughout my body.

We weave our way through the construction sight. My heart accelerates as the guard nearly grabs me. We finally make it back outside and get closer to the van. We call the van the 'Twinkie'.

"You good Pais?" JJ asked, throwing his body in the back of the van. I join him in the back, trying to catch my breath.

"Bus is leaving!" John shouts, starting the van up. Kie gets up front and Pope sits next to me.

All five of us start laughing as the guard chases us while John speeds off. We all make jokes as we make our way back to John and my place. My dad calls it the 'chateau'. Just a small run-down shack on the beach.

"What's the plan?" JJ asked as we pulled into our driveway.

"Dropping Paisly off then heading to The Wreck." John said, putting the van in park.

"Why can't she come with us?" JJ asked. He looks at John, then to me. His grey eyes look into my green eyes.

"Someone has to clean up the messes you guys make." I shrug, opening the door.

"Bye Pais!" Kie shouts, holding up a heart with her fingers. I give her the same motion and shut the door.

Walking into the trashed chateau, I make a mental reminder to run to the store later. Only thing here in order are the pictures hung on the wall. Some of me and John B as kids, but most of my dad.

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