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"I know I do." I smile. JJ stared into my eyes.

"You didn't answer me on why you were with Rafe." He states.

"He was helping me." I admit, not wanting to lie to him.

"He didn't touch you, did he?" Anger is shown in his eyes once again as he glares over my shoulder to Rafe.

"JJ, he didn't touch me." I laugh, letting go from his neck and grabbing his hand.

"He better not have." JJ finally looks at me again.

"Let's go find my brother, I don't want you hurting anyone." I say before pulling JJ away from the kooks.

"Fine." He grumbles.

We make our way to our friend group. Pope was trying to flirt with a girl, but was was failing miserably. Kie had tracked down that guy and was making moves. John B was talking to a blonde girl.

"I feel invisible." I whisper to JJ.

"Should we kiss to see if they're paying attention?" He whispers back, resting his arm around my shoulder as we face our friends.

"No!" I shriek, hitting his shoulder.

• • •

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asked Sarah as her and Topper walked by.

"No thanks." She gives JJ a mean look.

"Is it not fancy enough for you?" John B chirps in.

"No we were just leaving." Sarah mumbles, trying to grab Topper to leave.

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper tries to reach for the cup in JJ's hands. "Thank you, man. I appreciate it." JJ moves away from Topper.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you." JJ spits in his face.

Looking behind Sarah, I see Rafe. Like me, he wasn't paying attention much to the argument going on in front of us. He was busy looking at me.

A crowd had formed around the argument, making me finally look at JJ. Topper had just thrown the cup into his face.

Oh fuck, I thought to myself.

"Dirty Pogues!" Topper shouts, obviously lighting the fire sparks in John B as he tackles Topper. The two wrestle each other, taking swings at one another.

"We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope shouts.

"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper laughs as John B falls into the shore water.

"Oh fuck no." I whisper under my breath before taking a few steps closer to Topper.

"Paisly, absolutely not." Pope says, grabbing my wrist.

"Nah, let her go. I wanna see her go bat-shit crazy." JJ smirks, urging Pope to release me.

Once I feel Pope free me I sprint at Topper, jumping onto his back. I start smacking his head, but to him I was probably just a fly bugging him. I finally get at a good angle and punch him straight in the jaw. He throws my body onto the wet sandy ground, glaring at John B.

"Your sisters too hot to be running around with you guys." Topper laughs at me laying in the water.

Okay, so I'm not a fighter. Just anger issues.

Waves crash lightly at my side that's in the sand. I look up and see JJ sprinting at me.

"Shit, sorry Paisly. Should've kept the leash on you." He says before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

not a chance • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now