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"Where's my brother and Kie?" I ask JJ and I stroll up his house.

"Cops." JJ mumbled.

"Damn it." I kick an empty van placed in the lawn.

"Don't worry, they were at the lighthouse, and Kie has the compass." JJ explained.

"Shit, I have to go. Pops wants me to help him and I can't keep pushing him off to the side." Pope says as he stands up.

"Tell Heyward I said hi, please." I smile at him.

"I don't understand how you're Heyward's favorite." JJ chuckles.

"It's because I prioritize school just like his son." I grin, taking a seat on the porch stairs as Pope leaves JJ and I alone.

Why are we always alone all of a sudden?

"I see Pope in you. Well, I see all of us in you. You're impulsive, like me. Smart like Pope. Caring like Kie. And determined like your brother." JJ explains, sitting next to me. My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pull it out.

"I thought there wasn't service for the summer?" I ask aloud.

"I did too." JJ quirks an eyebrow at me. I had gotten a text from an unknown number.

"Do you have any service?" I look up at the blonde.

"On my piece of android shit? Probably not." He laughs, taking his phone out as well. "Oh shit, I do."

• • •


Unknown: Told you I'd get the service running, princess.

Paisly: Who is this?

Unknown: Take a guess dear.

Paisly: Rafe?

Unknown: Correct :)

• • •

"Why is Rafe texting you?" JJ asked, reading over my shoulder.

"I don't know." I mumble as I shove my phone back in my pocket.

"When did you give him your number? Was it at the boneyard? Fuck, I knew I should've have let you wander out of my sight." JJ groans.

"Jay, I promise you I didn't give it to him. And the boneyard was him being nice to me." I scoff.

"Rafe isn't the type of guy to be nice to you! You're a pogue! He's going to hurt you!" JJ yells at me, standing up and pacing around the porch.

"Why does that even matter to you JJ? Because for the last sixteen years of my life, I was never involved with John B or you. I was outcasted by you guys because I didn't want to ever leave my house. You guys called me a nerd for years because I'd rather read. Ever since my dad went missing you guys felt bad for me. Now, suddenly, I'm one of you? Make it make sense JJ." I scoff.

not a chance • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now