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"My legs feel like jelly." I laugh out, laying down on my stomach. The pull out couch has always been my favorite spot to lounge around with my brother and his friends. Made me feel more included with their conversations.

"What's happening in the Routledge chateau on this stormy night?" JJ asked as he walked into the porch. He leans against the doorway smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh you know, trying to relax from the storm outside." I grin at him. His eyes wander around my body, making me uneasy as I was wearing my pastel pink bikini. His eyes stayed in one spot as if they were glued.

"Paisly Elayne Routledge. Who the fuck gave you that bruise? Who do I need to kill!" JJ storms over to me.

"Relax Jay, I fell off my board surfing the surge." I laugh at his overprotective self.

"You guys surfed the surge?"JJ asked with a little hurt in his voice, sitting next to me.

"It was fucking awesome. Pais did wipe out- but she seems fine." Pope shrugged his shoulders. JJ starts poking at the bruise making me hiss and slap his hand.

"Wait a minute, you guys went without me? What the fuck." JJ whines, throwing his hands to his side.

"Toughen up buttercup, you left us to help Kie." I state, waving my finger in his face.

"She wanted me to save a baby turtle before the storm hit. Her parent weren't letting her." JJ explains, pushing my hand away,

"Of course she did." John laughed, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Kie was always helping with wildlife, doing her best to save every turtle. Her stubbornness wouldn't ever let an animal her hurt. Everyone loved her for how much she cares about the environment.

The boys continue to talk about the surge, so I slip away into my room. After changing into grey pajama shorts and a random oversized white t-shirt. The shirt was definitely not mine, but I put it on anyways.

• • •

"You can't tell Paisly, JJ. She doesn't need to worry about this." I hear John B say as I slowly open my door, having a sliver of a view of them in the kitchen.

"She deserves to know." JJ groaned, slamming his fist on the counter.

"JJ, it's better for her this way. Now let's go get Pope." John B grumbled.

"Where are you two dummies going?" I ask, waltzing out of my room. Heading straight for the pantry, grabbing a bag of off-brand fruity pebbles.

"We're going to go kidnap Pope and Kie and fish in the marsh maze." John B replies as I grab a bowl.

"Can I join?" I wonder, grabbing a gallon of milk out of the fridge.

"Yeah that's fine." John B sighs, leaving JJ and I to go to his room.

"Nice shirt, cupcake." JJ smirked at me, tugging at the bottom of the white tee as I pour my cereal.

"Thank you?" I question him, quirking an eyebrow at his random complement.

"It's mine." He chuckled. My eyes widen, and my cheeks redden of embarrassment as he gets closer to me.

not a chance • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now