Biological mom

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Takes place in legacy. Sophie and Fitz never dated. She is unmatchable though. I wrote this before Stellarlune 

Sophie still couldn't believe it, on top of her already bad day, she just had to find out that councilor lying-curls was her mom. This was just great, the one councilor she really trusted had been lying to her the whole time. She didn't want to face Grady and Edaline yet so she stayed by the panakes tree.

"Foster?" She knew it was Keefe, and she really didn't want to talk to him. "Foster? What's wrong?" He knelt down next to her, Ro decided to give them space and stood with Sandor. They seemed to be arguing about something.

"Keefe, I'm fine," She promised. "Seriously you don't need to keep worrying about my stupid problems,"

"You're literally sitting outside and crying. You are not fine." He wrapped her in a tight hug. "Plus, you can't lie to an empath, so seriously. What's wrong?"

"I found out who my mom is," she finally replied. "And I can't even tell anyone, at least I know why Forkle wouldn't tell me I guess." She let her tears soak into Keefe's shoulder.

"So what?" He responded. "You can't tell anyone but what does that really affect?"

"I'll always be unmatchable," she responded, more tears soaking Keefe's shoulder. "Nobody will ever want to be with me. I'm unmatchable and there's no way to fix it."

"How many times do I have to say this?" Keefe tilted her head so she was looking at him. "If somebody really loves you they won't care," He took a deep breath. "I wouldn't care."

It took Sophie a second to realize what he meant, and when she did she looked into his ice blue eyes. His beautiful eyes, she had never realized how beautiful they were. Suddenly she felt something she had never felt before. She felt how much love she had for Keefe, and it seemed like he had felt that mood shift.

Sophie realized how close their faces were, and she felt her cheeks heat up. Keefe smirked at her and leaned even closer, when he stopped and looked at her she nodded. Keefe leaned in the final bit and Sophie kissed him back. It was so much better than she could've imagined and it made her forget why she was sad in the first place.

This one's really short sorry. I don't love this one but it's definitely not the worst thing I've ever written. (Trust me there is much worse) Fun fact I actually wrote this one after rereading the books in preparation for Stellarlune.

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