last thing for this book

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This one might take some explaining. I have a bunch of unfished things for this because I never took it seriously. So I thought I should just copy and paste the entire google doc onto a story so this includes ones i've already posted and ones I havent. I'm making a different oneshot book where I actually try. I made a new doc for that one. Please feel free to read my actually trying book lmao.

Amusement park

Takes place whenever you want it to. They've already defeated the neverseen.

The black swan had agreed to let Sophie take a few of her friends to the forbidden cities for a day, so naturally she brought Keefe, Dex, and Biana. They were walking to get hot chocolate from Starbucks, (yes, it was July, but Sophie really missed hot chocolate) when Keefe caught sight of the giant ferris wheel from the nearby amusement park.

"Foster!" he tugged on the sleeve of the human sweatshirt she bought. "What's that?" he pointed excitedly to the ferris wheel.

"That's a ferris wheel," she explained. "It's a ride at an amusement park, it has other cool things too, like roller coasters. I used to go all the time with my human family."

"Can we go?" he clapped his hands excitedly. "Please? Dex and Biana agree too, right guys?" Dex and Biana both nodded.

"Fine." Sophie responded. "But we're getting hot chocolate first," She was really just stalling, she wasn't sure if Keefe and an amusement park was really a good mix.

After they got their hot chocolate, courtesy of the money Dex stole from an ATM, they walked to the amusement park. They needed tickets to get in, but there wasn't an actual person checking so Dex used his techopath abilities to trick the machine. Sophie was forever grateful that she brought Dex with her.

"What do you guys wanna do first?" Sophie asked as they all stared at everything. "I vote we save the ferris wheel for last, so that leaves literally everything else."

"Let's do that!" Keefe pointed to the tallest coaster in the park. Dex and Biana paled. "Those two can be babies and go on something smaller first," He pointed to a smaller one.

"That sounds fun," Dex said, though he was still a little pale. "That good with you, Biana?" Biana nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him along to the line.

"You gonna be a wimp too?" Keefe asked as Sophie watched them get in line. "Or are you coming with me? You should be fine, you've done this before!"
"Yeah, when I was twelve," Sophie argued. "My parents wouldn't even let me on the super scary ones," She followed Keefe anyway.

Keefe grinned. "Knew you wouldn't chicken out," Sophie rolled her eyes as the line moved up.

Soon, it was their turn and Keefe dragged Sophie to the car. "This should be fun," Sophie said rather unconvincingly. Keefe smirked as he sat down next to her and Sophie helped him with his seatbelt.

The ride started and when the first drop hit Keefe screamed more than anyone else on the ride. "Remind me who recommended this ride?" Sophie asked.

After the ride was over, Sophie decided roller coasters weren't as bad as she remembered. In Fact they were pretty awesome.

"I can't believe you were the one who was scared to get on," Keefe grumbled as they met up with Dex and Biana at a picnic table. Sophie just laughed at him. "We should all do something together next,"

They did a few more smaller roller coasters together before they decided it was time for the ferris wheel. "The sign says it's two people per car thingy, so I call Foster!" Keefe stood closer to her, making her blush. Keefe smirked at her.

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