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They neverseen was defeated recently. Finally something I wrote after sellarlune came out! This takes place on halloween even though I wrote it in like february. The body guards went back to their homes

Sophie sat in the middle of her bedroom with Dex, Keefe, and Biana. They were supposed to be doing homework for their recently resumed Foxfire classes. None of them were actually doing it.

"We should do something fun!" Keefe announced, making everyone look at him. "Maybe we can fly with the alicorns or something?"

"All four of us?" Dex asked. "Pretty sure that wouldn't work out very well."

"Why not?" Keefe asked. "You and Biana could ride on Greyfell and I could take Foster on Glitterbutt."

"As fun as that sounds," Biana said. "I'm pretty sure Greyfell wouldn't be a fan of having to fly around with two people on his back."

"Fine." Keefe begrudgingly agreed. "But we should still do something fun. Any ideas Foster?" He turned to face her.

"Me?" She asked, pointing to herself.

"You're the smart one." Keefe agreed, causing Dex to raise his arms like he was offended. "Fine Dex. You have any brilliant ideas?"

"Actually yes." He answered, surprising everyone. "We should visit a forbidden city to get... Cough e? I think that's what you were telling me about Sophie."

Sophie made a sound that was half laugh and half sigh. "You mean coffee?" Dex nodded. "I could teleport us to a Dunkin Donuts or something, you would have to do whatever you do to make our registry pendants say we're here."

"I think I tried coffee once when I was in humanland." Keefe said as Dex messed with each of their pendants. "I don't remember it being very good."

"I never tried it," Sophie admitted. "I left when I was twelve so my parents never let me have any. I was telling Dex that it would've been helpful a few nights ago when we couldn't stay awake to work on a project."

"Don't we have an elixir that would have the same effect?" Keefe asked.

"We do." Sophie agreed. "But apparently it has libium in it, at least according to Dex it does. Everyone read?" She left a note downstairs for Grady and Edaline when they got home and dragged her friends to the cliff to teleport.

"So, where are we this time?" Keefe asked as they walked towards an Atm. "This doesn't look like a city I ended up in."

"I think it's Boston, or maybe somewhere else. I just teleported us to a dunkin from my memory. Pretty sure it's the first google search image."

"Google?" Dex asked. "What is a Google?"

"Human technology," Sophie answered, taking some of the money Dex offered her. "Do you guys want donuts too?"

"What's a donut?" Biana asked, causing Sophie to sigh from all the questions. "I'll get one if you're getting one I guess."

"I'll get one too." Dex added.

"Me three, I never tried one." Keefe told her. "By the way shouldn't we get clothes to blend in better?"

"Nah." Sophie replied. "It's Halloween, people probably think we're just already in our costumes for a party or something."

"You can't just keep saying these random words and expecting us to know what they mean." Dex told her as they walked through the door.

Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Hi," She told the employee. "Can we get four chocolate frosted donuts and four coffees?" The employee typed something into the register.

"What kind of coffee?"

"Oh. uh, whatever's easier to make we don't really mind." Sophie looked at her friends to make sure they agreed. They all nodded.

The employee handed them a bag of donuts and four coffees in a cardboard holder. Sophie handed a donut to each of her friends.

Sophie led her friends to a park so they could sit in the grass.

"This is terrible." Keefe said after taking a sip of his coffee. "The donut isn't bad though." Dex and Biana nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, the donut's a lot better." Sophie agreed. "We should probably get back soon. It's getting kinda late."

"Do we have to?" Keefe whined.

Sophie stood and grabbed her friend's hands to make them get up "Unless you want to deal with a very angry Grady I suggest we do."

"Yeah, and I don't know how long our pendants will last." Dex added as they walked somewhere with more privacy to leap back to Havenfield.

"Can you take us back sometime?" Biana asked as she grabbed Dex's hand and Dex grabbed Sophie's hand.

"Yeah, maybe next time we can plan better so we don't have to leave right away." Everyone nodded as they leapt home. Sophie was glad they went, even if they didn't get to stay for very long.

Probably a lot of spelling mistakes and the ending is so bad, I'm sorry, I never know how to end things 😭.  

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