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The neverseen are gone, the council is throwing a party because of it. They discovered more alicorns. I wrote this before Stellarlune came out.

Sophie should've been happy, they finally defeated the neverseen, and she was happy about that. But she couldn't help but think of everyone they lost along the way. Kenric, Calla, one of the Forkle twins, and most recently Silveny, the last one hit her the most. They had found a bunch of alicorns hidden by the neverseen, so the species wasn't endangered anymore, but Silveny was special. Nobody else seemed to care about that though.

She sighed as Biana helped her get ready for the party, after all her and her friends were making some sort of grand entrance. "I need to go help Fitz get ready," Biana told her, after helping with makeup of course. "Are you sure you're okay?" Sophie nodded, afraid that speaking would be even less convincing. Biana clearly didn't believe her, but also didn't want to push it. So she left Sophie alone to wait for their entrance in an hour.

Sophie decided to flip through the sketchbook Keefe had given her, the first few pages were Keefe's, but he said she should try drawing sometime. She hated to say it, but he was kind of right. Sure she wasn't great at drawing, but it did help with her emotions. Plus it reminded her of Keefe, but she definitely wasn't gonna go there.

"You ready?" Grady poked his head into her room. Sophie nodded. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, I know this is probably hard for you,"

"I want to go," she replied. "Really," she added when he raised a skeptical eyebrow.

Grady nodded and led her to the leap master. "Everglen," she called, the light brought her away to the mansion she was very familiar with. "Go find Edaline, I'm gonna find my friends." She looked around for any familiar faces.

"Foster!" Keefe called from the corner. "So nice of you to finally join us," Sophie rolled her eyes at him. "How are you holding up?" His voice turned serious as he whispered into her ear, handing her a glass of whatever drink was at the table.

"I've been better," she admitted, not really knowing why she decided to be honest with him. It was probably just because he was an empath and could tell if she was lying.

"You miss glitterbutt?" He guessed, Sophie nodded. "Me too," He smiled sadly. "Remember that first flight with her? I just wish we could do that again, when we weren't risking your life," Sophie swore she saw tears in his eyes.

"Me too," Sophie agreed. "I know technically we could fly with the other alicorns, but it's just not the same. They don't even fill my head with your name," She shook her head. "I just wish other people would actually take a second to think about what we lost instead of throwing a party like this. It seems like they're just gonna forget about everyone and everything we lost, you know? I get that we should celebrate our win, but this doesn't feel right,"

"I get it," He smiled sadly again. "Wanna ditch the party, and go celebrate our own way?" When Sophie nodded he grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. "I think we should go pay Calla's tree a visit. I know you see it all the time, but maybe it will still help, we can even get Wynn and Luna to visit us. I'm sure they miss their mom as much as we do"

"I'm pretty sure they're already here," She pointed to a patch of grass next to the tree. "Let's go say hi, I'm pretty sure they'll actually talk to me, unlike the others,"

They spent the rest of the night with Wynn and Luna, for once they were able to be themselves without worrying they were gonna be ambushed by the neverseen any second.

This one is okay. I don't know I feel like its a little, boring. I guess? Not really sure how to describe what I feel about it. Again definitely not my worst. Probably a ton of spelling mistakes.

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