truth or dare?

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I'm sorry in advance for how cheesy this is gonna be. This is after Stellarelune and Sophie and Keefe haven't told anyone (besides Fitz) that they're together. The neverseen is gone and Ro is back. And guess what? Another unfinished one I'll probably never finish. I know, it's so exciting!

Sophie smiled as she grabbed Ella and some clothes to leap to Everglen. Biana had suggested they have a sleepover where they weren't worrying about being killed by the Neverseen and she had invited Sophie, Keefe, the Song twins, and Dex.

"Bout time you got here Foster." Keefe greeted her at the door. "Pretty sure everyone else is in Biana's room. Bunch of jerks for not waiting for you."

Sophie rolled her eyes at him. "Are you sure it isn't because you also just got here?"

"We got here like five seconds before you." Ro answered for him. "Don't glare at me like that." She added for Keefe.

"Why are we still standing here?" Keefe linked his arm with hers.

"Finally, you two are here." Biana dragged them over to the circle of friends. "We were just about to play truth or dare."

"Nope." Sophie said as she tried to stand up.

"Aw, come on Foster," Keefe complained. "Please?"

"I've never experienced what you think is a good dare, and I really don't want to." She tried to stand up again but Keefe stopped her.

Keefe flashed his trademark smirk. "Fine. We'll go easy on you. Plus if you don't play I'm pretty sure Ro over there is gonna kill you."

"Fine. But I'm not going first." She crossed her arms and sat farther back from everyone in the circle.

"Keefe," Biana said after a moment. "Truth or dare."

"Obviously dare." Keefe told her. "As long as it doesn't mess up my hair I'll do any dare."

Biana thought carefully for a second. "I dare you to kiss Sophie." Sophie looked away pretending she didn't hear the dare.

"I'm pretty sure she didn't wanna go first so she didn't have to do a fare, isn't this still making her do one?"

"I mean, it's technically your dare. If you prefer I could give you a different one, but that would ruin your hair."

"Fine." He grumbled. "I'll do the first one. That good with you Foster?" Sophie shrugged, it wouldn't be that weird if they weren't in front of all their friends. Their friends who didn't know she and Keefe were already together and had been for a little while.

Sophie joined the circle again and leaned towards Keefe.

They both pulled away after a second and their friends, besides Fitz, just stared at them.

"What?" Sophie asked after a minute of silence and friends staring at her.

"Nothing." Biana said quickly. "I just didn't expect you to agree to that so easily." She raised an eyebrow. "Is there something you're not telling us?" Sophie hoped her face wasn't as red as it felt.

"Are you really surprised?" Keefe jumped in, draping an arm across Sophie's shoulder. "Foster's always been a little mysterious."

"Alright then, truth or dare Sophie?" Biana asked.

"Hey, don't I get to ask someone?" Keefe interrupted before Sophie could answer.

"Truth or dare?" Biana repeated, ignoring Keefe's complaints. "If you don't pick we get to pick for you."

"Fine. Dare." Sophie was pretty sure Biana's dare wouldn't be nearly as bad as one from Keefe would be.

"I dare you to teleport to a human mall and buy the ugliest outfit you can find."

"That's a weirdly specific dare, who has to wear the outfit?" She stood up. "I'll do it as long as whoever's wearing it comes with me."

"I vote Dex!" Biana said quickly.

"You're the one who dared her, it should be you!" Dex argued.

"I vote Biana." Fitz agreed, causing his sister to glare at him.

"I vote Keefe." Tam added.

"No way," Keefe shook his head. "I vote for you Bangs boy."

Sophie looked at everyone and told them, "I think I should get to pick who comes with me." Biana and Tam nodded in agreement.

"Who would you pick?" Biana asked.

"Probably Keefe." Sophie admitted. "Though bringing Dex would also be pretty fun." Both boys shook their heads.

"Keefe!" Tam, linh, and Biana all shouted at once.

"Weren't you the first one to vote for Dex?" Keefe asked Biana, who shrugged in response.

"Keefe, you're coming with me." Sophie decided, grabbing his hand and dragging him outside before he could argue.

"Does the outfit have to be ugly?" Keefe asked when Sophie ignored his requests to pick someone else.

"Aren't you the one who never backs down from a dare?"

"Yeah, my dares." He argued. "This is your dare, also I just realized the council is probably gonna be so mad at us later."

"It's fine. I convinced Oralie to make sure I wouldn't ever be punished for visiting the forbidden cities."

"And she agreed?" Keefe asked. Sophie nodded. "She must really like you if she convinced the whole council to do that."

"Or she just felt bad." Sophie mumbled, hoping Keefe couldn't actually hear what she said. Clearly she was wrong and Keefe's eyes narrowed.

"And what would she feel bad about?"

"It's not important," Sophie insisted, and she dragged him off the cliff before he could reply. They landed near the mall Sophie used to visit when she was a kid.

"Don't think forcing me to jump off a cliff is enough to change the topic." Keefe said as soon as they stood up. "Why would Oralie feel bad?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you." Sophie said bitterly. "Trust me I've thought about it. But then she would be mad at me, and this would probably change things if anyone else found out."

"I'll drop it if you agree to go easy on the outfit, deal?" Keefe held out his hand for Sophie to shake. Sophie sighed.

"Deal." Keefe smirked. "I forgot how intense human emotions are." Keefe mumbled when they were in a crowded clothing store.

"I keep forgetting you stayed here when you ran away." Sophie admitted. "At least I can block their thoughts, I can't imagine feeling their emotions without blocking them."

"I couldn't feel them when I lived there." Keefe reminded her. "Plus they're not as intense as your emotions."

"Whatever, Let's just find you an outfit." She turned so Keefe wouldn't see her red cheeks.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Tam asked as Sophie and Keefe finally appeared in the room. "You weren't kidding about finding an ugly outfit."

"She wasn't," Keefe agreed with a glare. "Maybe I should give the same dare for you except you have to wear the outfit."

"I would look better in it than you do."

"Wanna bet?" Keefe asked. "We could go get the same outfit for you and everyone votes on who looks better in it."

"Fine, but Sophie doesn't get a vote. Neither does Linh." Tam answered. "We all know who both of them would pick."

Keefe and Tam appeared in Biana's room a few hours later, by then Dex and Fitz were making some sort of elixir while Biana gave Sophie and Lihn makeovers. Sophie hated to admit she kind of liked hers.

"We're back." Keefe announced as Tam followed him over where everyone could see them. "Nice makeup Foster." Sophie glared at him as her cheeks heated up. He smirked at her. 

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