old Christmas thing i found

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Takes place whenever you want it to. The neverseen is gone and Sophie has a phone that Dex made. I wrote this like over a year ago, I think 😭.it's very bad, but I found it on a google doc so at least the spelling won't be as bad as the story.

Sophie stared at the date on her new phone. December 24, Christmas eve. Sophie knew that realistically, she shouldn't have been sad about it. Elves had even better holidays, but there was just something about it that made her really miss Christmas.

"Yo Foster, you in here?" Someone knocked on her door, it was obviously Keefe and she wasn't really in the mood for his jokes today. "Are you okay?" He walked in and saw her crying at her desk.

"I'm fine," she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and tried to give him a reassuring smile. Clearly it didn't work because Keefe rolled his eyes at her. "What?"
"Honestly Foster, when are you gonna learn you can't lie to an empath?" Sophie wiped her eyes again. "Though, I bet literally anyone would be able to tell you were lying, so really. What's wrong?" He looked genuinely concerned.

"It's stupid," She looked at the date again. "I'm just thinking about some stupid human holiday," She turned off her phone so she would stop looking at it.

"Christmas?" he guessed, noticing Sophie's very confused face he added, "You're not the only one who got a phone from Dex, I saw it all over those weird 'social media' apps,"

"Well you're right, I don't even know why I miss it, it's not like I liked it that much when I lived there," He came up behind where she was sitting and wrapped her in a tight hug. "I'm sorry, you probably came here for something besides my dumb problems,"

"Hey, first of all, your problems aren't dumb," He made her look at him. "And second of all, I just came to see you, so I'm all ears if you wanna talk about it," Suddenly she came up with an idea, Keefe clearly sensed the change in her emotions. "What's the great idea you just came up with Foster?"

"Nothing!" she answered a little too quickly, he raised an eyebrow. "Wanna teleport to a forbidden city with me?" Keefe grinned as Sophie dragged him out to the cliff.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm Foster, but won't the council be mad at you?" He asked before they could jump off. "Isn't this, like, super illegal?"

"It's fine, I'm a Regent, remember?" She pulled something out of her pocket. "They even gave me a pathfinder, but teleporting is more fun,"

"Wait, you're choosing to teleport?" Keefe asked. "You're finally learning. How many times have I told you teleporting is awesome?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I also want to teleport straight to a mall so we can get human clothes," She dragged Keefe off the cliff and teleported to the mall she used to go to with her human family.

"Woah, is there where we're gonna find christmas celebrations?" Keefe asked as people started staring at them. "Oh right, we need to go buy clothes,"

"Come on, I know some great stores, and I still have money from when I took Dex here," She pulled the money out of her pocket. "Let's make this interesting. I get to pick what you wear, and I'll wear whatever you get for me," She handed him half of the money.

"First of all, why did Dex get to come here before me?" He took the money. "And second of all, you probably just made a mistake, I know nothing about human trends,"

"Dex came here because he's my best friend," Keefe pretended to gasp. "And yes you do. Weren't you the one who said Dex gave you a phone?"

"Fine, meet back here in like ten minutes?" Sophie nodded. "I'm not even gonna ask you not to buy anything bad, because I'll look good in anything you pick," Sophie rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but agree with him, she just hoped he couldn't feel her emotions over everyone else's.

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