Lost in the Fairy Tale Void

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Y/n was laying down down on the ground. He looked at his bleeding spot to see that it was all patched up. He was very lucky in fact to be alive but he doesn't know where the others are.

Y/n: Ruby! Yang! Blake!

Y/n scrambled to his feet, scanning the area for any sign of his friends. His heart sank as he realized they were nowhere in sight.

Y/n: Blake, Weiss, Yang!

He couldn't seem find where he's friends are at the moment and he was seriously starting to panic because where could his friends even be at this moment.

Y/n: This can't be happening! Where am I(began looking around to see if he could find any sign of the others but he didn't find any so far)

There was a strange little creature which was a hamster. He almost stepped on it.

Y/n: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there.

Hamster:(unexpectedly speaking) No big deal, I've been almost stepped on all the times. Some of the people around here are total jerks but you, my friend you seemed to be the kind of guy to be trustworthy.

Y/n: Aaah!

Hamster: Aaah! Why are you screaming? You almost gave me a heart attack.

Y:n: Forgive me, it's just that, I've been fighting Grimm, robots and all of that, but out of all things but never have I ever seen a talking hamster before.

Hamster: And never have I ever seen talking.... Uh... you before.

Y/n:(chuckles) Yeah, I'm a human.

Hamster: Oh, come to think of it, I did see a talking, whatever you say you were, walking around here.

Y/n: Wait, really? What were they like?

Hamster: She's a girl. At least I think that it was girl. She have black hair with some red in it, a cape, silver eyes. I think that should be just fine.

Y/n: I know her! That's Ruby! Where have you last seen her?

Hamster: Well, I would say that she was walking around this strange looking beach and that would be just about it.

Another talking creature then appeared behind the hamster.

Hamster: Aah, please don't eat me!

Berto: Realize, I'm not going to eat you. I have no taste for Hamster or any other trash.(turns to Y:n) I've seen that you're awake. I'm Berto the wise owl.

Y/n: We're you the one that patched me up?

Berto: Indeed I was. I saw that you were bleeding out pretty badly and I thought that I would be able to lend a hand. So, I think that it would be best that you stay and have dinner with me.

Y/n: That's real nice but I really need to find my friends. Well, I wouldn't say they're my friends more like my girl... I've said too much.

Berto: Alright, if your friends means so dearly to you, I won't stand in your way. Now, go for they might need you.

Y/n: Right, but before I go, would you tell me more about yourself. Like, why you save me life even don't you know who I am?

Berto: Right, I am a helper and I tend to help those who are in need. My father taught me to care for others just like how his father told him about to care for others. I would offend help those who seek in need of help. Now go, I'm sure that you're friends are waiting for you.

Y/n: Thank you for you kindness, it is very much appreciated.

Y/n then went on his very way and began searching the others. He knew that they are looking for her and they are lost and we really need to find them as quick as he can at this point. He kept searching to the point that he was getting tired and was becoming hopeless. But his hope then began coming back. He saw a girl, she has cape. She appears to be none other than, Ruby. It was such a relief. He had finally found her.

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