Chaos Brewing in the Teahouse

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Ruby's footsteps echoed through the forest as she ran, panting heavily. Finally, she came to a halt near a sturdy tree trunk, collapsing to the ground and burying her face in her knees. Little, a small creature peeking out from her hood, cautiously approached her.

Little: Ruby? Are you okay? Why did you yell at everyone like that?

Ruby remained silent, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. She seemed lost and distant.

Ruby: Where... where am I?

Little: Don't worry, Ruby. I can help us find our way back. But we have to stick together if we want to make it home.

Ruby let out a heavy sigh and folded her arms, her face etched with frustration. Little grew worried and hopped onto her knee, trying to console her.

Little: What's wrong, Ruby?

Ruby: (sighs) Why are you still here?

Ruby's arms tightened around her, and her scowl deepened. Little sensed her anguish and became even more concerned.

Little: What do you mean? I promised I'd stay with you.

Ruby: I made a promise too. I swore to serve Atlas as a Huntress, to protect people, to be there for my friends...

Little: But we can go back and fulfill those promises. We can--

Ruby: No!

Ruby abruptly stood up, causing Little to jump off her knee and onto the ground. Her eyes filled with anguish.

Ruby: You don't understand what I've done, what I couldn't do! I can't handle this responsibility anymore! (She punches the tree trunk in frustration.) I could never live up to it... If you stay with me, you'll end up dead too. Just go home...

Little whimpered and quickly crawled away from Ruby. With sorrowful eyes, Little watched as Ruby stormed off, their ears drooping in sadness.

Back with the others.

Elsewhere in the forest area of Origami Acre, Jaune, Juniper, Weiss, Blake, and Yang continued their search for Ruby. They called out her name, hoping to find any trace of her.

Jaune: (off-screen) Ruby!

Weiss: Ruby? Ruby, where are you?

Y/n: (with concern) We need to find her. She's been through so much, and I can sense she's really distressed. Everything that happened in Atlas... it's weighing on her, and she blames herself.

The group kept walking, their voices filled with worry and determination. Suddenly, Yang came to a halt, frustration evident on her face.

Yang: (sighs) Damn it! How could she just run off like that?!

Y/n: (sympathetically) Yang, I know it's hard to understand, but Ruby's going through a lot right now. She needs our support, not our anger.

Yang: (responding to Y/n) I get it, but she should have talked to us. We're her team!

Y/n: (nodding) You're right, Yang. We should be there for her, but maybe she didn't feel like she could open up to us. Ruby has always been the one who holds us together, the one we rely on. We often say things like "We believe in you" and "We can count on you." While our intentions are good, it might have put a lot of pressure on her.

As Y/n spoke, Jaune's guilt over the harsh words he had once said to Ruby resurfaced. Juniper noticed his change in mood and became saddened, prompting Jaune to comfort them with a gentle pat.

Yang: (frustrated) We're not asking her to be perfect. We just want her to talk to us, to let us help her.

Y/n: (softly) I understand your frustration, Yang. But right now, let's focus on finding her and letting her know that we're here for her, no matter what.

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