Echoes of Remembrance

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Y/n just stood still as he was looking at Pyrrha

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Y/n just stood still as he was looking at Pyrrha. E didn't expect to see her here as if she was really alive.

Pyrrha: Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Pyrrha... I know you're not really alive but I'm sorry that I wasn't there to save you in time and stop Cinder from hurting people. I'm so sorry.(tearing up)

Pyrrha: You don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault. You tried your very best.

Y/n: I just want to let you know that it's really great to be talking to you again like this. Ever since everything that happened at Beacon, I just feel like, I needed to do better and to keep pushing myself so that I could get better. But I feel as if no matter how hard I've tried. Things would always get worse before they get better.

She then placed her hands up against him.

Pyrrha: You did everything that you could do that you could save a lot of people. And now, I'm here to tell you that you don't have to keep pushing yourself. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is to take a step back and just breathe. It's okay to not have everything figured out. You're doing great and I'm proud of you.

Y/n: Thank you, Pyrrha. That really does mean a lot to me.

Pyrrha: Of course, Y/n. I want you to know that I'm proud of you. You have faced so many challenges, but you never gave up. You have always been there for your friends, even when it put you in danger. That's what makes you such a great person.

Y/n: I appreciate your encouragement, Pyrrha. But what about you? You were an amazing person too. You had so much potential, and it was taken away from you too soon.

Pyrrha: Thank you, Y/n. I had my doubts, just like everyone else. But I was always able to push through them because of the support of my friends. And you were one of them.

Y/n: I'm glad I could be there for you.

Pyrrha: You were more than just a friend to me, Y/n. You were someone I looked up to, someone who inspired me to be a better person. And I know that you can do the same for others.

Y/n: I'll try my best, Pyrrha. But it's hard when I feel like I'm not making a difference.

Pyrrha: You are making a difference, Y/n. Every little thing you do counts. You don't have to be a hero to make a difference in someone's life. Sometimes just being there for them is enough.

Y/n: Thank you, Pyrrha. You always know what to say.

Pyrrha: That's what friends are for, Y/n. And you must remember that you have so many people who care about you, who believe in you. You mustn't quit, no matter how hard things get. You are strong, and you can overcome anything.

Y/n: I won't give up, Pyrrha. I promise.

Pyrrha: I know you won't, Y/n. And I'll always be here to support you, no matter what.

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