Confrontation at the Coveted Collectibles Convention

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Y/n: So, what now?

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Y/n: So, what now?

Yang: I think we should do something rather than thinking about this I'm silent.

Ruby: Yeah, the whole things about us being in a fairy tale? That seems impossible.

Y/n: Well, we've ran into a talking owl, hamster and now little mouse. Sounds like we're living in a pretty good Fairy tale alright.

Blake: Y/n does have a point.

Weiss: What we've seen is improbable, but that doesn't mean we're in an actual fairy tale. Are we seriously entertaining this?

Y/n: Weiss, I know this really hard to take in but we have to deal with this right now because we have no idea where we are and we have to be careful because we don't know what kind of creatures even lurks out here. And Yang, what happened to your arm? Who stole it?

Yang: Oh yeah, a talking raccoon riding on a oriole wagon filled with trash.

Y/n: Yeah, so is guest that we stop wasting time around here and we begin looking around to see if we could find answers and Yang's arm. Now let's go moving!(before we walking off the others, he haven't told everyone everything yet. He told Blake and Weiss but we haven't told Ruby or Yang anything. No more secrets, no more lies. It's about time that we have let them in on his secret) But we before we go. Yang, Ruby. I've already told Weiss and Blake this. No more secrets or lies. It's about time that I told you my secret.

Yang then looked at Y/n confused.

Yang: What?

Y/n: I was a member of the White Fang. It's not like the secret have to with anything at the moment. But it's about time that I came out with it. I was actually high ranked.

Yang: (still slightly confused)You... we're a members of the White Fang? But how?

Y/n: I hid my human heritage to fit in. Do you know what the Faunus have to go through on the daily basics. Just for being who they are? I thought that I was doing some good... even... even having to go through extreme length so the Faunus could get the respect that they deserve. But over the time I realized that it wasn't the right way. I was only giving more reason for humanity to hate Faunus. That wasn't life that I should be apart of. That wasn't what my brother wanted for me. He provided for me so that I could have a brighter future because he saw that I have so much potential in me. And so I've joined Beacon.

Yang: It's okay, Y/n. What matters right now is that you're planning on doing things for the better.

Ruby: You've helped people who can't protect themselves. You've actually done good. And no matter what, we will always be there for, Y/n.

Y/n: Thank you, guys. It's good that I've still got all of you.

The others began walking in forest so that they could find Yang's prosthetic arm.

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