Origami Troubles

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Y/n, who has been with Team RWBY since their days at Beacon Academy, wakes up early in the morning and hears Jaune rushing around in a panic.

Jaune: I'm late! I'm late!

Y/n: (chuckles) Late for what, Jaune?

Jaune: (frantically getting ready) I overslept... I never oversleep! Yesterday, ugh! All the excitement! Keep your head together, you can fix it! You always fix it!

Team RWBY, who are sleeping in the same room, start to stir awake at the commotion.

Weiss: What's going on?

Y/n: (laughs) Looks like Jaune's in a hurry. Let's see what's happening.

They all follow Jaune outside and see that the town below, known as the Paper Acre, is on fire.

Blake: Whoa...

Yang: What happened?

Jaune: (mounting his horse, Juniper) I can't wait! I'm late! Any second there's gonna be another--

Another explosion interrupts Jaune, and he urges Juniper to gallop towards the town.

Jaune: Damn it, right on time! (to Team RWBY) Get to town, I'll meet you there!

Team RWBY rushes to the town, amazed by its unique paper-based architecture.

Blake: Who makes a town out of paper?!

Yang: It's incredible!

They are greeted by the Paper Pleasers, the residents of the town, who are polite and hospitable but also a bit clumsy.

Blue Paper Pleaser: Welcome to our village. We hope that it pleases you. Would you be so kind as to tell us what you are so that we may serve you?

Ruby: Serve us?

Weiss: But your town is on fire!

Blue Paper Pleaser: Oh, no need to worry. We have our hero!

Jaune arrives, riding Juniper and putting out the fires with buckets of water. The Paper Pleasers cheer for him.

Blue Paper Pleaser: Hooray! Three cheers for the Rusted Knight and his white rabbit!

Jaune: Stop! Stop, there's water everywhere, you'll dissolve!

Yellow Paper Pleaser: Hello, water. How may I serve you?

Jaune: (sighs) When Alyx left me to die, Juniper found help, brought me to the Paper Pleasers, who got me back on my feet. They work all day, not just serving travelers, but serving the land they live on too. They beautify it, make it a place of peace. Unfortunately, they're... a bit clumsy, but that also makes them predictable.

Jaune catches a Paper Pleaser being carried away by the wind.

Jaune: I told you to hold these. (gives the Paper Pleaser rocks)

Green and Pink Paper Pleaser: Thank you, brave knight! (runs off)

Jaune: (chuckles) Classic Ren.

Weiss: (impressed) You named them after your teammates?

Jaune: No, I named them after everybody.

A red Paper Pleaser approaches them.

Red Paper Pleaser: Hello! I am the one called Ruby. What are you?

Team RWBY looks on in horror.

Yang: Hate that!

Jaune: Okay, the disastrous lighting of the morning lantern is dealt with. (mounts Juniper) That gives us just enough time to strategize before the calming pebble tower crumbles, crushing the koi pond dam, and flooding the entire village! So I'm thinking... quick brunch?

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