⚠️Love Among the Clouds⚠️

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Everyone were still shock to see what was right in front of them.

Y/n: Jaune? Would you mind telling me what's going on?

Blake: I think we all need some answers.

Jaune: Yes, it's really me. When I saw you all in the market I...

Ruby: Jaune, it's us.

Everyone all went towards Jaune and then hugged him. Little then stood on his head and hugged him.

Ruby: How did you find us?

Blake: Hoe are you the rusted Knight?

Yang: And when did you get so...

Weiss:(came infront it everyone) Mature?

Y/n: Alright, that is way too many questions for Jaune to answer and I think that it would be best to give him some space.

Ruby: What happened in Atlas after the rest of us fell?

Y/n:(sighs) I'm afraid that I may have some unfortunate news about that case. It's not looking so good. Atlas is in ruins and it fell right on top of Mantle. And Salem got the relic.

Ruby:(Not  sounding happy) So, does that mean that Salem got two relics now?

Yang: And with Cinder, she got the ability get another.

Blake: She doesn't know where the Beacon relic is.

Weiss: Well, there's that to be thankful for at least.

Y/n: It's not like it even matters anymore. Atlas is gone now. Not to mention that Salem has the relic now.

Blake: But we've got everyone out safely. That have to count for safety.

Y/n: It doesn't matter. Atlas fell and it may be kind of our faults.

Blake: Getting everyone out have to count for something.

Ruby: What good is saving anybody if Salem destroys the world anyway?

Yang: That's how Ironwood thought. You don't know mean that.

Y/n: Well, You tried to probe that you could do better than Ironwood and it failed. And now more people are gonna die and for all we know the world is gonna be destroyed.

Jaune: Are done? We need to move before the weather turns or it's take us a lot longer to get to safety.

There was an extreme long silent.

Jaune:(inhales and exhales) There would be plenty of time to lick your wounds later. Come on.

Everyone all followed behind Jaune.

Blake: So, where are we going again?

Jaune: My village.

Y/n: You have a village?

Jaune: I do. I still can't believe you made it all the way to the Crimson keep all on your own.

Y/n: We didn't made it all on our own. We did have some help after all.

Blake: Yeah, there was a cat that was with us.

Jaune:(stopping dead in his track) what cat?

Everyone all stared at each other in concern. Little then pointed she curious cat.

Little: That cat!

The curious cat then came up.

Curious Cat: Whew! I found you. Why is it that you always find the thing you're looking in the very last you look.(looks at Jaune and gasp) Jaune... oh my... it has been determinant amount of time hasn't it?

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