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I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move and everything was blurry. My chest was pounding uncomfortably.  I didn't know what was going on, why did I feel like utter crap? "Its what happens when your soulmate finds someone new." said the voice of Hail.

I gasped and looked up at the blurry figure in front of me. I was going to stand up, but the vast darkness and blurryness of the inbetween I was trapped in confused my vision and I stayed seated. "What do you mean?" I asked, holding my head. "Its Carmen...." I looked up. 

"You are being rejected by your soulmate, so your heart is literally breaking." Hail sat down beside me, patting my back. 

"How long do I have?" I said, tears in my eyes. I thought I was going to disappear forever, but what really was going to happen seemed worst. 

"I'd give, say, 4 months until you're heartless. You'll become dark and sinister. Mostly, roaming the earth." Hail whispered,, patting my back some more. I curled into her side, feeling my dead heart pound against my chest as it was being drowned. 

"Will I have my memories still?" I asked, hoping for the least bit of humanity to be left in me. 

"Not many." Hail said, and she disappeared liked she always does, leaving me to try and figure out what is to come of me.


I sat at the park, thinking about how much I've been through these past few days. How could this all happen? Carmen's pregnant, ghosts are real, and there is a little boy out there I've never felt so close too. Everything was happening too fast. I wanted to yell "Stop." so loud the whole town could hear, but that wouldn't change how different I felt. How relieved I was. Its weird, how in a short period of time things can go from down right horrible to looking on the brightside. A week ago, you could have made me cry with simple word like insults, but really why should I care just because someone voiced their opinion? 

I have a feeling my parents won't let me back home, but that was the least of my worries. Nathan Nanaberry's back now. He went to jail but got bailed out because he told the police he didn't mean to kidnap me and thought I was his friend and that he was just playing, and they didn't have much evidence so he got out scott free. 

I started humming to myself, sitting under my favourite tree wondering where I ever went wrong to begin with, Wondering if any of the problems in my life were actually my fault or just the downfall of someone elses actions. 


I looked at my stomach, wondering how I could ever create a life in there at all. I mess everything up. How could I raise a child being as messed up as I am? How will I ever tell Derek about the baby... How will I ever let Derek know he is going to be a father? 

Derek is a tall mysterious guy I met a few weeks ago at a party. He was just standing alone with a beer in his hand and I guess I seduced him. Derek and I just started talking again after Seth left, I don't want to ruin our friendship with the baby too. The truth is, Derek makes me feel good. 

My mind wandered to the baby again. Why can't I ever do anything right? I sighed, sitting up on my bed with my seventeen magazine. What could I name it? I felt my stomach and groaned. What is my mom going to think about this?


"What do you mean she's forgetting about me?" I yelled at Hail, throwing the soulmates contact at her. 

"Seth, it happens to alot of ghosts! The people who are their soulmates, they forget about them and move on. Humans are stupid," Hail said, catching the contract and throwing it at my feet. "besides its your fault for ever even doing the soulamtes thing with Carmen anyways. Shes a ditz." 

"I never meant too, well, I thought... I don't know what I was thinking okay?! I'm only a teenager I shouldn't be able to decide things that will last an eternity when I am upset. I shouldn't be aloud. She can't be forgetting about me though." I argued right when I felt my heart crack. The sound rumbled through the darkness and sounded just like a branch being brought back.

"That sounded painful." Hail smirked and disappeared. I kicked at the clouds of darkness that surrounded me. Its just not fair that she is aloud to forget about me, and it could ruin the rest of my eternity. 

I looked around, but I already knew there was no way out of this one. I was going to become a heartless soul. 


Yo! 10,000 reads? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! This story was my first wattpad story and i couldn't be more proud. <3 Once this story is over I am going to re-edit the whole thing, because honestly, I sucked at writing when I started this story. 

Love always, 


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