Disappointment and Disappearing.

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I looked at Todd. His little blond hair falling over his eyes. He will be 4 in a few days. He reminds me so much of Hulk.

I wonder what Hulk is doing. Is he all alone? Is he ok? Is he in trouble. Did he and Dusty stay together?

Todd looked up at me. His eyes rimmed with tears.

I bent down with a worried face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. Todd shook his head and hugged me. His small frame shaking. I felt tears on my arm.

"What is it buddy?" I asked. Todd was shaking furiously.

"I-I don't want you to leave without me again." he whispered. Pushing his face further into my shoulder.

"Lucy. Bring him with you." I looked up at his mom.

Todd looked at her with wide hopeful eyes.

"Really?" Todd squealed.

"I will go get some money. Do you have your phone with you?" Mrs. Taylors asked.

I nodded. astonished.

"Can i bring my barbies?" Todd asked.

I smiled and picked him up.

"Sure. Are you ready for an adventure." I asked. Todd's eyes beamed bright his little noes red. he nodded vigorously.

Mrs. Taylors came back into the room. She looked at me with big eyes.

"I needed a baby sitter and Carmen isn't good with Todd like you. I am sure you will take care of Todd for me." She looked tired and over worked.

I smiled smally and walked over to her with Todd in my arms. Todd was shaking still.

I grabbed Mrs. Taylors in a hug. Todd latched onto her and kissed her cheek.

We all laughed. Our embrace lasting.

The door slammed open.

"I am home!" Carmen screamed.

I heard footsteps and a gasp.

"What is she still doing here?" Carmen shrilled.

I let go of Mrs. Taylors and turned around.

I looked past her at the time. Oh.... Its 3:34pm. I got here at 8 or so.

Carmen growled.

"I don't want..... her in my house. Even looking at her makes me sick." Carmen said. She looked at me with such disgust-I flinched. My dream made he seem nice.

Mrs. Taylors gasped.

"Carmen Maria Taylors. You apologize this minute or so help me!" Mrs. Taylors said.

"No. Its alright. Carmen. i want to talk to you outside for a minute." I said. Carmen looked at me like I was crazy. I motioned for her to step outside.

"You better have a good argument Lucy." Carmen sneered. She threw her purse up her forearm and spun around. Her heels tapping as she stepped further outside the door.

"Can you please go pack somethings in this bag for Todd Mrs. Taylors?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. Todd ran up and grabbed the bag and followed his mother towards the stairs.

I sighed and started walking outside.

"Whats with you and stealing everything from me Lucy? Thats my family." Carmen said. Her eyes taunting like fire.

"Listen here. You might think you are all and mighty Carm but just think about what I have done for you in the past. Now look at how you messed up my life. I would think you stole everything from me. My life. If it weren't for Seth, Hulk and Todd and your mom I wouldn't be here. You would taken my life. You would have killed me from the inside out. But I have some news for you Carm. Stop trying to be a monster. Be yourself. I miss the old you." I said. My fat stomach inching away.

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