Lucy, Dusty and Hulk. <3

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" A ghost?" Sherlii asked.

I found out her name was Sherlii. She has worked at the train station since she was 45 and couldnt quit until she has saved enough. She only needs 50 more dollars and she can quit and retire.

I nodded.

"Oh darlin' Ive been in that situation." Sherlii said sympathetically.

"What do you mean Sherlii?" I asked giving her a I-do-not-understand-one-bit-but-okay? look.

Sherlii reached across the counter and grabbed my hand.

"Lucy. Ghost turn into angels once they find a soul mate. I fell in love with one and he left. He left because he found true love with me. He became a angel. Once I die we will become soul mates forever. Eternity."  Sherlii said with a small smile.

"How do you know when they start to become angels?" I asked. I was shaking

"Well, It usually starts with a warm feeling they give you. One that you cant help but notice." Sherlii said trying to recall deep within her memory.

"Oh my gosh....." I said. No, no, no, no!!! I looked down at the floor. Seth was turning into a angel?

I felt Sherlii give my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Would all passengers to california for the 1am train come board please." The speaker sang through the empty room.

I looked up at Sherlii and gave her a small smile.

"Thank you Sherlii, for everything.' I said and let go of her hand.

"I hope you get to see soul mate again soon.... er.... i mean.... uh..... when your ready to go...." I said. Awkwardly.

"Same too you darlin, Now go catch your train." Sherlii said patting the table once. I smiled. I fished around in my purse and gave her $50.

"No darlin, i cannot take this." She said but I was already saying goodbye with a warm smile.



As the clock struck 1am my darlin was gone. Sherlii told her about Charlie. Sherlii and Charlie would make the cutest couple. Ive seen pictures from when they were Lucy and mine age. Of course I will never age after I died. No one does. Heaven is full of old people. Its actually quiet sweet.

I sighed and leaned up against the tree trunk. How do I become a soul mate with Carmen if I dont love her anymore? I havent actually loved since I killed myself last month...... I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I hope that I will see Lucy soon. I cant stand being far away from her. Every step she took further away it broke my dead heart more and more.

Right, Left, Right, Left.

Lucy Lights Andrews, Hold on.



I looked out the train window. I just lost a fight with the train attendant so im riding in the UAM section (unaccompanied minors) . Pfft. Whatever. They were playing Radio Disney! Ballin! -.-

I looked out the window. There were only 5 other kids on the train in this section. I closed my eyes.

I re-opened my eyes and saw a little boy. This little boy was in rags. I smiled nicely at him.

"Can I sit with you? Im scared." He said in the cutest voice.

"Sure, whats your name?" I asked as the little boy jumped on the seat and smiled.

"My name is ...uhm..... I forget." He said with a pout.

He looked as if he would cry.

"Where is you mom at?" I asked

"She... is...uhm... Im not to sure." He said and looked down.

I put my finger under his chin and pulled his face up.

"Why are you headin to California without your parents?" I asked him and wiped one of his tears.

"My mommy kicked me out today for dissin her food." He said in a cute voice.

I sighed "Sounds like you and me both had a bad day." I whispered.

"Wait, how did you even get a ticket?" I asked curiously, isn't it illegal or something to sell a ticket to a person under the age of 14 or something?

" Thats the thing........"

"Everyone show their tickets please."

The little boy sank in his seat.

Uhm... oh shit.

He doesnt have a ticket?

Oh my, oh my, oh my.

I sat up and frowned.

"I expect that all of you to come back after this pit stop. train leaves in 15 minutes" The attendant said boredly.

The attendant turned around and I grabbed my things.

"What are you doing?" The boy whispered/hissed.

"Im gathering my things so we can leave!" I said. The attendant must have heard me because she turned around.

"RUN!" I yelled and we bolted.

I held my bag tight. We got closer to the door to the outside but the attendant was catching up and this 5 year old was slowing down.

I picked the child up and jumped off the train. It was stopped so it wasnt that dramatic looking.

I ran around the back of the train station we stopped at.

I gasped for air. That would have been an amazing scene in a movie!

I put the kid down and smiled as he looked at me with his little eyes.

"That was.... AMAZING!"  He said and sat down.

Yes... Amazing.

I sat down beside him and we had a nice little conversation about puppies. Just then I heard a noise. Oh the irony! It was a puppy bark.

I smiled and looked for the sound as the little boy blabbered off my ear.


I didnt want to get up. Enough saving people today. It was only 2am!

I looked around in my bag and found what I was looking for.

"Can you throw this away in that garbage can?" I said and handed him my empty gum container.

"Sure." He chirped and got up. He slowly made his way over to the garbage bin and acted like he was a airplane.

"Brrrrrrr Brrrrrrrrr BRREEEEEE brrrrrrrrrr." He said and then looked at the garbage bin and smiled.

"Ready for landing?" He asked and opened the bin.

I saw his eyes sparkle as he dropped the gum container on the ground.

"A PUPPY!" he said and pulled out a little Cocker spaneil puppy and oh look! Its a little boy.

The puppy cried with pure happiness.

What a weird group we are.

The little boy looked up and smiled with glee.

"Can I name him Dusty?" He asked with a pleading look.

"For sure. But one question, what do I call you" I asked with a smile.

"Can I be Hulk?" He squeeled

Oh boy.

"Hulk it is." I said and the boy pranced over.

"Hulk, Dusty and.... uh..."

"Lucy." I said

Hulk, Dusty and Lucy <3

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