Mother Comes Calling

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... existence whose balance I gleefully neglected as I absorbed myself in the day-to-day meddling of human life. Disappearing during the day, for my real work, during the evenings and nights letting myself enjoy the peaceful days of having a life partner. Weekends just enjoying the simple things with her, and the family meetings.

But mother nature is cruel towards everyone, even the supernatural... the gods... for she reigns supreme, and nothing can stop her desire.

It had been a few years since I had lost myself in the human realm. I enjoyed all the good things that it could offer, and still hold dearly all the memories. Marrying Adele, seeing James and his family grow, the nephews growing up and learning. Even delving into deep discussions with my wife about our children, something I never put a moment's breath to consider. I thought everything could continue as long as I did my job and ignored the one failure to collect on time in the aeons I did it.

It was a normal morning like any other. After returning my shape into the human body, I woke up like always to the superb woman I loved. I turned towards her, hugging her tight. I loved doing it, feeling her bodily warmth to my usually cold being. Kissing her on the forehead I said:

"Good morning, beautiful. I missed you!"

"What do you mean missed me? I was next to you all this time!" she giggled as she buried down in my chest.

"In my dreams, silly. I miss you whenever I can't see you." I laughed back, kissing her head.

"Is that so? What did you miss more? My humour, my beautiful smile, my awesome skills?" she smiled as she started kissing me.

After half an hour, I was just out of the shower, still feeling the hot droplets as they dried on my skin. Adele was still soaking in the water when a sudden blackout hit me. The cold darkness enveloped me. I was shapeless, formless, back into the dark abyss, which I remembered. The abyss from which SHE spoke.

"Oh Death, my soulful Death. You have been blessed, but it's time for you to pay for that which you had received. For it was not a gift but a matter of circumstances and delays to which you partook."

"No, you have no right. It was only once. The balance had been scaled, and he was collected. This family has just recovered. Why must they suffer some more? Why must I suffer the cruel decisions that you bestow upon everything and everyone at your whim? Why can I not have something? I have served my purpose, never faltering, always collecting. For one delay, you give such a harsh punishment? Not only on myself but on them! Just leave them alone, let me suffer!"

"Oh, my dear Death. You of all should know, the balance was never scaled. Suffering is just a part of being, as is joy, sadness, happiness, regret and all these wonderful emotions with which you and others have been blessed. You of all have more than your brothers and sisters have, your purpose has always been fulfilled. You know, balance is required in everything. It is not and has never been my whim, nor my decision. I do not punish, nor I reward. I simply am. I am everything that is and is not. I am the rules, written and unwritten. I exist and I do not. I don't decide or let things be. I am the universe, I am existence. I am balance. I am but a medium of my creator's wish. So are you, so are them. Everything requires something, but some things do not require everything. All has a price, all has a sacrifice. I have delivered that which you must do... as always... as you are..."

"No, no, I refuse! That cannot be it!" I had found myself shouting in that empty void, a void which is more cryptic than nothingness.

"Sam! Sam!"

I felt the shouting in my years, as the slaps of her palms on my cheeks brought me back.

"Are you ok? You were spaced out for a minute!" she checks me worryingly.

"Everything is fine... I am... I am fine." I said reluctantly.

It was halfway through the day and I was still considering the events which will happen. I knew what I must do, but for the very first time, I doubted my abilities and whether I would be able to do it. I was so attached to my family, I was afraid to proceed, for they had suffered enough, but now I must do my job once more and add to the suffering.

"Sam. You still look shaken up, are you ok, are you sure there isn't anything wrong with you?"

Adele enquired as she saw me spacing out, as I thought of a way to try and bypass my task

"Ah... Yeah... Yeah... I had something like a nightmare. Nothing to worry about that. I'll be OK!"

For the next half year, I was dreading the moment I had to face my task. Over time, I slowly hoped that it won't happen, that the universe had decided to hear my pleas, and that I did not have to be the bearer of unfortunate events upon the people to which I grew attached. Which I called my family.

Yet even a god is bound by the laws of nature, as such the day I feared had come... The call came...

...My nephew fell ill...

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