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Jeongin: allow me, locks are my speciality

Jeongin: *kicks down the door*


Felix: *in that one interview* bonjour, ca va bien?

Hyunjin: fuck outta here with that shit, I don't speak croissant


Seungmin: Minho!

Minho: what, you egg?

Minho: *stabs Seungmin*


Hyunjin: summer me is 100% prettier than winter me

Hyunjin: except for when I stand next to Jisung

Hyunjin: my guy looks like a drowned rat


Minho: you're a fucking idiot, Seungmin

Seungmin: haha, yeah

Anti: lol, you're an idiot, Seungmin

Minho: say that again and I'll crack your fucking skull


Interviewer: excuse me, but who's in charge here

Chan: it's meant to be

Chan: but it's usually whoever yells the loudest

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