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Chan: *calling from Ireland* yes, hello I would like to-

Sheep in the background: *gentle baa*

Chan: uh, sorry what I want to do is-

Sheep: *slightly more insistent baa*

Chan: no, not now! Excuse me, I have a reservation and-


Chan: JISUNG! Please be quiet, I am on the phone!

Chan: sorry, I sincerely apologise on behalf of Jisung

Felix: I love and forgive him

Chan: don't, he doesn't deserve it

Chan: anyway, I'm calling abo-

Jisung: *small very self satisfied baa*


Felix: *being buried alive* 

Jeongin: *out of breath* how are you eating the dirt so quickly


Changbin: some days I'm like, I haven't eaten in 19 hours and I'm feelin' great

Changbin; and then some other days I'm like, I'm on my ninth muffin and only the power of god CAN STOP ME

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