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Minho: did you know you can just start screaming, basically anywhere

Minho: it's not illegal or anything

*PABORACHA screaming in the background*


Police: we got a call that you had pot in your car

Jeongin: *pulls out flower pot* oh you mean this?

Police: *laughing* my mistake, what are ya growing?

Jeongin: weed


Therapist: you need to stop doing weird things, going out might help

Changbin: I went to the park today

Therapist: there you go! I hope you got something from that

Changbin: *opens coat* this duck


*at the alter*

Jisung: *leans in for a kiss*

Minho: the bride, Ji


Seungmin: whenever I get change from the shop I always put it in a little jar when I get home

Seungmin: it doesn't seem like a lot, but over time it adds up

Seungmin: so on a rainy day when I'm hungry and I don't have lunch money

Seungmin: I can just go to my piggy bank and eat the coins

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