Such a Slut

163 4 0

Warning this chapter is gonna be short and a bit spicy if this bothers you please leave and if it doesn't continue just know I warned you ~lazaria
Dazai: my goodness slug you've become desperate
Chuuya: *undressses Dazai* I-Osamu please p-put it in~
Dazai: *smirks* you've become so bad were you being good and not using those toys~*licks Chuuya's nipples*
Chuuya: ah~
Dazai: you've become sensitive darlings~
Chuuya: O-Osamu ah~ I need you please~
Dazai: such a slut you are I'm going to have fun today *smirks*
Chuuya: *leans to Dazai's ear* punish me~
Dazai: gladly

Word Count: 100
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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