Ambulence Part 3

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Yosano: *checking Dazai's temperature* well atleast I know you aren't having a fever
Fukuzawa: how is ge doing?
Yosano: worse I've run some tests and he has internal bleeding on the inside and a broken rib his skull is barely healing itself and what's worse is that I can't figure out what's creating and reopening new fresh wounds I've trued everything but it fails I'm going to have to remove the state I put him in to run a city scan and more tests which means I'm going to need him awake the whole time
Fukuzawa: I see the agency is here if you need us Yosano
Yosano: thank you Fukuzawa *removes the state of death*
Dazai: *wakes up coughs iut some blood* h-hey there
Fukuzawa: how are you feeling?
Dazai: n-never been better
Yosano: I'm going to need you awake up until 5:06 can you handle that Dazai I'm going to run you through city scan and further more test
Dazai: *smiles* mhm
Yosano: I'm sorry to wake you at 2:00 in the morning but it has to be done especially now
Dazai: it's okay I understand can I talk to the members later I have something they need to do
Fukuzawa: *nods* of course you can
Dazai: thank yo-*groans in pain*
Yosano: take this *gives Dazai painkillers* I know it's not much but it will lessen the pain
Dazai: *takes the painkillers* mhm thank you Yosano-Sensei
Yosano: don't mention it
Dazai: at least this way I can suffer one more time in the land of the living am I right
Yosano: *shivers* you'll pull through'll pull through

Word Count: 277
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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