Clown Part 3

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Dazai: what do you want to discuss make it quick?!
Chuuya: why do you insist on leaving us..leaving me?
Dazai: that's none of your doesn't concern you
Chuuya: well it does concern me you idiot
Dazai: you know what forget this I have a mission and I'm leaving tell Osaya I'll be back at 8:00
Chuuya: *grabs Dazai's arm* Osamu please talk to me
Dazai: take a break Chuuya your just tired
Chuuya: your not walking out of this we are fixing this for the sake of our daughter
Dazai: fix *chuckles* how are we going to fix something that is being torn to pieces?
Chuuya: we can work somethingout please
Dazai: *touches Chuuya's face* stop caring about me stop loving me
Chuuya: I-I can't-I can't stop loving you no matter how much I tried I can't stop thinking about you and caring for you don't ask me too don't push me away don't push us away Osamu
Dazai: Chuuya enough
Chuuya: no Osamu please hear me-
Dazai: *picks up Chuuya and carries him yo bed* we will talk tomorrow but yiy sleep
Chuuya: Osamu-
Dazai: *shushed Chuuya* no more-just-just sleep
The Next Day
Dazai: *writibg a report*
Atsushi: is Dazai-San alright?
Kyouka: it's disturbing to see him do so much work
Atsushi: do you think it has anything ti do with Chuuya-San?
Kyouka: maybe they fought each other?
Atsushi: makes sense they were partners back in the mafia
Kyouka: *thinks of an idea* ohh I know how about we get them together?!
Atsushi: that's and awesome idea
Kyouka: operation: sweet
Atsushi: *chuckles* you really do think of the strangest things
Kyouka: of course Atsushi-Kun I'm a girl after all *laughs*
Osaya: *wakes up* mama where's papa?
Chuuya: papa is busy he won't be back until 8:00
Osaya: *sees Dazai's things in a suitcase starts crying* is papa going to leave us? I don't want papa to l-leave we had so much fun yesterday I-I want to spend some more fun times with him!
Chuuya: Osaya baby calm down-
Osaya: NO! *runs upstairs and locks bedroom door* I-I'm coming out of here until papa stays
Chuuya: Osaya please let's talk baby
Osaya: NO! I haven't seen him in months I rarely get to see him and the only time he comes home is when it's on weekends *crying*
Chuuya: I know baby but please don't do this papa will be sad if he sees you like that please come out we can buy ice cream and candies
Osaya: NO! I WANT PAPA TO STAY *cries harder* IT'S BAD ENOUGH YOU AND PAPA ARE FIGHTING..I WANT PAPA TO STAY *starts breaking things*
Osaya: *crying in the corner*
Time Skip 9 hours later
Dazai: *gets in the house hears things being broken* Oh No *runs upstairs* what happen why is the door locked and where's Osaya?
Chuuya: *panicking*
Dazai: Chuuya answer me what happened?!
Dazai: WHAT?!!!
Chuuya: please do something
Dazai: *sighs* *knocked on the door* Osaya baby talk to papa
Osaya: p-papa
Dazai: yes it's me baby can you tell me what's wrong?
Osaya: p-papa will leave again and I-I don't want papa to leave mama I don't want papa to leave me..does papa not love me anymore?!!
Dazai: no no I love you and mama so so much papa won't leave you papa is here papa wants to spend time with Osaya we had so much fun yesterday right so please open the door for me and mama
Osaya: *opens the door*
Chuuya: oh my goodness Osaya *runs and hugs her*
Osaya: MAMA *crying* I'm so sorry for everything
Chuuya: *crying* shh shh I know baby I know
Osaya: *sees Dazai runs to him and hugs him*
Dazai: *kisses Osaya everywhere* papa is sorry for making you sad baby papa won't do it again
Osaya: promise?
Dazai: I promise but Osaya has to promise to be good to mama
Osaya: I promise!
Dazai: come here Chuuya
Chuuya: *stands up and goes to Dazai*
Dazai: *wipes his tears away* that's enough crying Chuuya everything's fine
Chuuya: *hugs Dazai tightly* ......Please-
Dazai: I know love I know
Chuuya: *falls asleep in Dazai's arms*
Dazai: *chuckles* Osaya why don't you go to bed
Osaya: ok goodnight papa *yawns sleepily*
Dazai: *carries Chuuya to bed and goes to sleep*

Word Count: 769
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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