I Swear I'll Kill You

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Chuuya: Dazai!!
Dazai: yes my love what can I do for you?~
Chuuya: why are these photos on the Port Mafia feed?!
Dazai: awww but Chu Chu you look so cute in them I didn't see anything wrong in sharing my love with the world~
Chuuya: I swear I'll kill you
Dazai: Fufu~ you've been saying that for years and yet I'm the one that's ended up killing you my darling~
Chuuya: In your dreams you bastard *blush*
Dazai: but Chibi is my dreams~
Chuuya: f-fuck you damn mackerel
Dazai: I never knew Chibi could be this lewd for me how shocking~ :)
Chuuya: *blushes harder* that's not it's not-I
Dazai: *steals a kiss from Chuuya* bye my love I'm off to work~
Chuuya: *blushing* wh-what just h-happened?!

Word Count:131
@lazaria YhnaCourtney

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