Clown Part 7

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Dazai: *wakes up sees Chuuya crying* h-hey love~
Chuuya: *kisses Dazai deeply* Osamu
Osaya: Papa!
Dazai: hey there you two *kisses Osaya and Chuuya* see I told you I would proteect you both
Chuuya: I'm sorry I should have defended us defended you I should have used my ability more I'm sorry I'm a horrible wife and horrible mom *ashamed*
Dazai: this isn't your fault honey I promise it's not your fault that you don't use your ability I know you better then anyone you are strong beautiful and my cute slug
Osaya: yeah mama goid, makes me pancakes, kisses me, and helps me with my homrwork mama id not bad mama is eonderful mom to Osaya and dad *smiles at Chuuya*
Dazai: *chuckles* see even Osaya thinks I'm right~ Chibi can't reject it now
Chuuya: r-really
Dazai: mhm even if Chuuya can't walk we are here with you my love
Chuuya: I love you both so much *hugs Osaya and Dazai*
Osaya: we love you too mama!
Dazai: we love you forever and always!
Chuuya: I'm so lucky to have you both with me~
Dazai: as we are to you *kisses Chuuya on the forehead* we love you to the moon and back
Word Count: 206
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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