Ambulance Part 1

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Disclaimer: This Story is longer and will be broken up into parts this is a mention of suicide warning just so everyone knows and it doesn't make anyone upset if this bothers you please don't read I'll tell you when it starts ~Lazaria

Dazai: hey there Atsushi-Kun
Atsushi: hey there Dazai-San is there something I can do for you?
Dazai: oh no don't worry I just wanted you don't have to do my work anymore *smiles* .
Atsushi: oh how so?
Dazai: well I already did all work after all
Kunikida: YOU WHAT?!!
Atsushi: oh it's just Kunikida-San
Dazai: ah Kunikida-Kun what my owe the pleasure?
Kunikida: you-you must be joking are you really Dazai?!
Dazai: how rude of you Kunikida-Kun~ of course if you want proof then here *gives Kunikida all his work* that's everything I've done and I've gone ahead and did 6 years from now paperwork so you don't have to worry anymore
Kunikida: *shocked* y- you actually did it?!
Atsushi: Dazai-San are you okay?
Dazai: *smiles* yes Atsushi-Kun I'm alright by the way *drags Atsushi to a sofa
Atsushi: eh Dazai-San what are we doing here?
Dazai: I wanted to give you this *gives Atsushi a bracelet* it will help you on missions be sure not to lose it *smiles*
Atsushi: it's beautiful Dazai-San thank you
Dazai: *smiles* of course Atsushi-Kun it's the least I can do
Kunikida: I Dazai where's my card and did you give women my phone number again-
Dazai: about that I've sorted out everything I paid your card off and I gave those women a clear explanation so you don't have to worry anymore
Kunikida: ......... are you really Dazai *worried*
Dazai: yeah I am if you don't mind I would like to leave
Kunikida: I-of course
Dazai: thank you for everything I hope someday we see each other *leaves*
Time skip to Yokohoma building
: Suicide warning starts here
Dazai: I've settled everything now I guess it's time to take my leave *falls off the building* I hope to see you all soon *closes eyes*
Kunikida: we need an ambulance now!!
Atsushi: D-Dazai-San *cries*
Yosano: damnit Dazai *feels Dazai's heartbeat* shit THERE'S NO PLUSE hurry I need a medical team now!!
Kunikida: damnit damnit
Yosano: *brings Dazai to the ambulance* shit Dazai stay with us hurry up
Kunikida: .....................
Atsushi: th-this can't b-be

Word Count: 416
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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