Clown Part 4

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Dazai: *wakes up sees Chuuya clinging onto him* *gets up*
Chuuya: *pulls Dazai down* n-no p-please not again Osamu
Dazai: I'm right here love
Chuuya: *wakes up crying* please don't leave us again..I-I'm sorry for everything
Dazai: shh shh everything's alright my love I'm here I'm the one whom should be sorry for making you like this I'm sorry for taking my frustrations out on you and I'm sorry for ending it
Chuuya: *clings to Dazai tightly* please don't push me away again you have no idea how much I hated it
Dazai: I promise I love you so much my love
Chuuya: *sees the ring on Dazai's finger* please don't ever leave I can't imagine my life without you again Osamu
Dazai: as will I *kisses Chuuya deeply*
Chuuya: *kisses back* I miss the way you kiss me Osamu I miss your touches and your warmth in bed I miss having you by my side so so much
Dazai: honey my darling you have no idea how I missed you *kisses Chuuya everywhere*
Chuuya: *laughs* I love you so much Osamu Dazai
Dazai: I love you most *touches Chuuya's face* Chuuya Nakahara the love of my life
Chuuya: your the light of my life and the reason why I'm still alive
Dazai: you are my one and only love
Chuuya: as you are to me Osamu *kisses Dazai deeply*
Time skip 7 minutes later
Osaya: mama! papa!
Dazai: hey there baby
Osaya: *sees Chuuya clinging to Dazai* mama won't let go of papa?
Chuuya: because mama doesn't want papa to go away~
Osaya: no fair I wanna join too *jumps on Dazai*
Dazai: Osaya wai- *falls on the floor catches Chuuya and Osaya* are you both alright?
Osaya: papa! Sorry :( I just wanted to make sure papa doesn't leave too!
Dazai: *chuckles* I know you are
Chuuya: *hugs Dazai tightly* I love you
Dazai: *kissses Chuuya on the lips* I love you my beautiful wife
Osaya: hey why don't I get kisses *pouts*
Chuuya: come here too baby *kisses Osaya on the forehead*
Dazai: I love you all so much
Time skip the ADA
Kunikida: Dazai you damn bandage machine your lat-
Dazai: hey there Kunikida-Kun
Chuuya: *still clinging to Dazai* mine
Osaya: *clinging to Dazai's neck*
Dazai: meet my wife and my family I'm sorry but they refused to let me go
Dazai: *looks at Kunikida darkly* yes I don't see the problem in it as they are my family and I'd appreciate if you'd watch you tone about them!
Chuuya: *shivers* Osamu calm down honey please *kisses Dazai on the cheek*
Osaya: p-papa
Dazai: *calms down* I'm sorry my love I didn't mean to scare you *kissses Chuuya on the lips* oh how I love you
Chuuya: *smiles* I love you most
Osaya: *gives Dazai a kiss on the cheeks* Osaya loves papa too
Dazai: *chuckles* I love you too sweetheart
Kunikida: .. You know what j-just take the month off I'll handle the paperwork
Dazai: but KuNikIdA-
Kunikida: bastard I said take the month off
Osaya: don't be mean to my papa you fatty
Chuuya: big meany *clings to Dazai tightly*
Dazai: *laughs* well my family is quite lovable and protective now if you don't mind I would gladly take the rest of the month off bye *leaves*
Chuuya: *senses someone*
Time skip evening in bed

Dazai: *looks at Chuuya* honey is there something wrong?
Chuuya: mhm *shivers* I h-have been sensing someone following and watching us Osamu I'm scared
Dazai: *kisses Chuuya deeply* shush now my darling there's nothing to fear I'm right here I promise I won't let Osaya or you get hurt
Osaya: mama! papa! *walks into the room scared*
Dazai: baby what's wrong?!
Osaya: I-I saw someone w-with a-a knife downstairs and-and it's in the living room
Dazai: *growls* *carries Osaya to the bed* Osaya my love I'm going to need you all to be quiet okay
Chuuya: *starts sobbing silently* O-Osamu b-be careful
Dazai: *wipes Chuuya's tears away* I will be fine my darling take care of Osaya for me okay
Osaya: *grabs Dazai's arm* papa I'm scared
Dazai: there's no need to be scared papa is here to protect you and mama
Osaya: be careful papa
Dazai: I will now *closes the windows and turns off the lights, the claims into be next to Chuuya and Osaya with a gun*
Osaya and Chuuya: *trembling*
Dazai: take deep breaths I'm right here you too *hears someone approaching the bedroom*
Clown: wEll weLl so there you are!! And what a surprise two more hosts!! Hahaha
Osaya: *crying*
Dazai: who the hell are you and what do you want with my family?
Clown: I will kill them of course hahahahaha *tackles Dazai on the bed and stabs Chuuya in the leg*
Osaya: ahhh!
Dazai: *shoots the Clown in the head* my love
Clown: hahaha such a pathetic toy hahahaha let's play a game oh I know ring the Rosie Pocket full of Posies Ashes ashes they all HAHAHA BURNT DOWN! *burns the house down*
Dazai: *carries Osaya and Chuuya out of the house* baby stay with me
Chuuya: O-Osamu it hurts!
Osaya: mama!!
Clown: I WilL kIlL yoU!! HAHAHA!
Dazai: quick we have to find somewhere safe now!!
Time skip Dazai's apartment
Dazai: this should be a safe place for now *sees Osaya asleep* thank god
Chuuya: Ahhh! Osamu h-help
Dazai: Shit! *gets the first aid kit* my love I'm going to the bed you trust me okay
Chuuya: please help me!
Dazai: *takes off Chuuya's clothing sees the wound spreading* that wasn't just an ordinary clown this is an an ability shit *uses his nullification ability* there that should nullify the ability but now *puts alcohol on Chuuya's wound*
Chuuya: AHHH! O-Osamu it hurts it hurts *sobbing* p-please s-stop
Dazai: *wipes Chuuya's tears away kisses him passionately* my love trust me please I need you to stay quiet bite me if it hurts alright *treats Chuuya's wound*
Chuuya: *groans in pain bites Dazai on the neck*
Dazai: *groans* th-that's it honey
Time skip 9 hours later
Dazai: there we go everything's okay now my love
Chuuya: *sees the blood on Dazai's neck whispers* I-I'm sorry I didn't mean I-I
Dazai: baby it's okay  in mot hurt I'm just so glad you're alive with our daughter I'm sorry I couldn't protect you
Chuuya: *clings to Dazai* I'm scared I'm so so scared I'm scared I might lose you I'm scared of losing this family
Dazai: I know you are but I promise you this will never happen again now come on *carries Chuuya and Osaya onto the mattress*
Chuuya: O-Osamu where are you going to-
Dazai: *locks doors and covers the windows* *cuddles with Chuuya* I'm right here
Chuuya: I'm scared
Dazai: me too my love but we are in this together *touches Chuuya's face*
Chuuya: *cries kisses Dazai deeply* I-I love you so damn much y-you know that!
Dazai: I love you the most my love and I will always show it to you unconditionally
Word Count: 1208
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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