Clown Part 2

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Dazai: Osaya my darling we're here
Osaya: wow Papa it's so big
Dazai: well shall we go in
Osaya: yay come on *drags Dazai in the amusement park*
Dazai: ok ok ok easy there tiger *chuckles*
Osaya: *sees a roller coaster* papa lets go on there please *drags Dazai to the roller coast*
Dazai: mm sounds fun ^^ alright then I don't see why not *goes on the roller coaster with Osaya puts on the safety bars over them*
Conductor: ready to go sir?
Dazai: yes sir we are
Conductor: *starts the roller coaster*
Osaya: yay! *sees the roller coaster going down fast* yay! Papa Papa this is so much fun!
Dazai: ...... Oh my goodness!
Osaya: *laughing* yay! Hooray!
Dazai: my my
Time skip 34 minutes
Osaya: *gets off the ride* papa that was so much fun *laughing* again again!!
Dazai: *dizzy* y-yes it was uh maybe another time darling *smiles* so what do you want to do next?
Osaya: *sees a haunted maze* oh papa let's go to that one :)
Dazai: mm but my darling that maze is complicated are you sure you can handle it my darling?
Osaya: of course I can! Now come on please papa!
Dazai: okay okay let's go but you have to stay close to me okay
Osaya: yay okay papa!
Time skip 6 hours later
Osaya: papa I'm hungry
Dazai: mm come on I saw a great restaurant across the street *carries Osaya*
Osaya: yay!
Time skip at the restaurant
Waiter: good afternoon sir what can I get for you both?
Dazai: ah yes for me I would just have 2 pieces of stake extra rare and some whiskey if you don't mind and a side salad dressing on the side and you Osaya what you you like?
Osaya: I would like some ice cream and milkshake and some fried chicken and stake please
Waiter: *writes it down* alright *goes to the kitchen*
Time skip 4 hours later
Waiter: sir here's your food
Osaya: yay our food's finally arrived
Dazai: *pays the waiter* there you go thank you very much
Osaya: papa lets eat
Dazai: *chuckles* of course darling *eats their food*
Time skip to the evening
Osaya: *asleep in Dazai's chest*
Dazai: *gets in the house goes upstairs and puts Osaya to bed* goodnight honey papa loves you *kisses Osaya on the cheek*
Chuuya: well how was it?
Dazai: it was fun Chuuya you seem calm I put Osaya to bed already so you don't have to worry
Chuuya: ... Fine
Dazai: *gets his flight documents*
Chuuya: are you really going to leave us like this?
Dazai: I'm not in the mood for a talk right now
Chuuya: well that's too bad because I want to know why you keep on doing this why do you insist on leaving?
Dazai: ... Chuuya not now I rather not start a fight Osaya has seen enough
Chuuya: then fuck you were talking in private
Dazai: fine...
Chuuya: like it or not I still love you even after this bullshit
Dazai: let's get this over with
Word Count: 509
@Lazaria YhnaCourtney

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