Clown Part 5

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Chuuya: *wakes up in hospital bed* wh-where am I?
Dazai: *touches Chuuya's face* don't worry my live I'm right here you are in the hospital i took you here with Osaya to check on your wounds
Chuuya: Osamu thank goodness *hugs Dazai tightly*
Osaya: yay Mama's awake *runs and gives Chuuya a kiss* is mama ok now?
Chuuya: yeah I think so *tries to get up falls down*
Dazai: *catches him* are you alright my love?
Chuuya: *shakes his head* no I'm not I-I can't get up!
Dazai: the doctors said it's because of your wounds from last night he specifically give me these pain killers for you *gives Chuuya his pain killers*
Chuuya: get me out of here Osamu please
Dazai: love I know how much you hate the hospitals but it's needed
Chuuya: b-but I-I don't want to be alone hire I don't want to be isolated I don't want to be injected with substances that makes me feel uneasy I don't want those hands to touch me please Osamu why can't you just treat my wounds I promise
I'll be good I promise to stay in bed I promise not to move I promise to follow your instructions just please can we go back to your apartment dont make me stay here alone O-Osamu
Dazai: and what made you think I leave my preciouswife alone*pulls Chuuya close to his chest* I'm never leaving your side again
Chuuya: please don't anywhere *trembling*
Dazai: I wouldn't dream of it *lays Osaya down on the bed and gets in the bed with them* you two get some rest you're going to need it later
Osaya: but whst about Papa shouldn't Papa rest too?
Chuuya: you've been up since that incident last night Osamu please get some sleep *looks at Dazai cutely*
Dazai: *kisses Chuuya on the lips* i will be fine my love I will keep watch
Chuuya: but..I'm worried
Dazai: *smiles* you need the energy more then I do I tell you what once this all over we can go back home and I'll treat your wounds for you and I'll give you all the attention you want how does that sound
Chuuya: r-really
Dazai: mhm I pronise
Osaya: does Osaya get treated by Papa too? *looks at Dazai with pupoy eyes*
Dazai: mhm *chuckles* of course you do and I'll give you ice cream and cake now how does that sound
Osaya: yaya Mama Mama did yoh hear that?!
Chuuya: *chuckles* yes I did sweetie Papa spoils us rotten
Dazai: kisses Chuuya passionately* *chuckles* indeed i do i love you
Chuuya: *cuddles Dazai and Osaya* I love you too Osamu so so much
Osaya: i love Mama and Papa too!
Dazai: *smiles* i love you all now get some rest
Clown: looks like this is going to be tougher than I thought hahahahaha!! BUT I WANT THEM TO BE IN DESPAIR!!
Dazai: I'm not letting anyone touch you two again I swear on my life * gives them a kiss on the foreheads* sleep tight you both

Word Count: 516
@Lazaria.Cosplays YhnaCourtney

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