Chapter 31: A Very Strange Place PT II

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Chapter 31: A Very Strange Place PT II

Written by: VinylScratch7

Faunus, through disparaged by some as beastmen or half breeds..individuals with a single animal trait are known by the umbrella term of faunus. There was once a great war between the faunus and humans, a war that led to terrible losses on both sides.

You hear your professor lesson on the topic of Faunus while he walk back and forth in the classroom. "With that history guiding us, we now live in a society where faunus and humans alike are treated as people who coexist peaceably, still the gulf has not yet been entirely bridged."

Professor Oobleck straighten his glasses while looking at a particular person is almost fast asleep. "Can anyone tell me what organization demonstrates this best?" Oobleck said.

You slowly looking at Jaune who was fast asleep and the professor didnt took kind of that "Pehaps you know the answer ARC!" he said while pointing a finger right at him.

"Bwuh?" Jaune said while snapping out of his sleepy zone.

"Incorrect!" Oobleck said, while you quickly look at the professor.

'He didnt even get a chance to respond...' You said in your thoughts while the professors yells at Jaune again.

"Amend your ignorance, and produce for me a 30-page essay by next week on the role of race in society from a historical perspective!"

"Huh!" Jaune fully wakes up realising what he got himself into.

"Harsh.." You said while Yang giggles behind you.

Oobleck walks back to the center of the classroom and look directly at everyone "My fine Students!" He yells.

"The future is no more than the accumulation of the deeds and misdeeds of the past! This is the ultimate truth!!" Oobleck said.

The word 'truth hits you while you look back at your team, in your thought you were thinking the Ruby,Yang and Weiss that your Batman and what is your motives. Blake no your Secret and kept since. Hopefully when the time is right you could tell them in time.

"Now! Does anyone know the answer!"

"When that switch flips, he gets scary..." You and Team RWBY thought the same thing. While looking at the professor.

"It the white fang sir" You said getting everyone to look at you.

Oobleck smiles "Correct Y/N!" He quickly looks at Pyrrah Nikos and points at her.

"Nikos! Can you explain for us the white fangs goals and the issues that have arisen around them?"

Nikos blinks for a second and sighs while getting up from her chair "Well..."

"Their initial goal was to address the widespread discrimination experienced by faunus in society...through peaceful means, like debate and negotiations." You quickly interrupted her.

"But five years ago, a change in leadership led to a change in their methods, they started stealing dust. Smuggling it, dealing on the black market even kidnapping and murder, became part of their radical agenda" You said not looking at nikos but you felt eyes dagger at you while your aura and presence scared some in the tone of voice that was changed after explaining everything.

"Yes...well and unfortunately the white fang is basically a terrorist organization nowadays." Those words 'terrorist made blake tighten her grip in her pen, while weiss was focusing the lecture'

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