Chapter 6: Enrollment

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Chapter 6: Enrollment

Written by: VinylScratch7


Y/N was headed towards beacon academy and it was a hour flight towards his destination, he looked below from his window and saw that he just arrived to his destination. He notice that there was alot of students gathering and wondering who might be in that Black blimp.

If Y/N was correct he notice that today was the first day of school for the people who wants to be a Huntsmen and Huntress. Y/N took this moment and look at Thancred thinking for a bit, He wouldnt have been here if it werent for him. Ever since Y/N Parents was killed Thancred was there for him and even now keeping a secret about Y/N becoming a Vigilanty and investigating about a Criminal Orginazation.

Y/N Sigh and smile and wonder whatever happened if he wasnt there for him. He looks to his right and notice that they landed.

"Master, i think is time to meet the headmaster of this place" Thancred said.

Y/N Nodded, Thancred went outside first and started to clear out the area for Y/N to exit the blimp. He could hear all the commotion that is happening outside.

"Hey whats with that blimp."

"Whats going on?"

"Whats with the Butler?"

All this was heards and sometime is best to avoid attention but it couldnt be help. Thancred opens the Door and Y/N step outside and looks to his surrounding. He notice a couple of Students around him and he would try to make this quick.

As Y/N was about to start walking a explosion was set off getting everyone in your area attention, He look at Thancred and his butler lead the way. Arriving to the area Y/N notice two familiar faces.

"Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!" Weiss said while Screaming towards Ruby.

"I'm soo sorry" Ruby said while Apologizing.

Y/N Walkfoward and approach the two. "Are you ladies okay?"

"OF COURSE WE'RE NOT OKAY SHE-" Weiss stops yelling when notice who she was talking too "Mister L/N" Weiss quickly pick herself up and dust herself.

"What are you doing here?" Weiss said getting Ruby confuse on who he was.

"I'm actually going enroll here, i want to learn more about Remnant and maybe it will help in the Company in the future." Y/N Said while showing a smile.

"Yes of course, that what im doing as well." Weiss said.

"Soooo who are you?" Y/N Said while looking at Ruby and pretending that he never met her.

"Oh im Ruby is nice to meet you" Ruby said while she extends her arm for a handshake and Y/N was about to accept it but.

"How dare you, do you know who this is!!" Weiss said while getting infront of Y/N Confuse on this.

"Um...." Ruby looks at Y/N while he had a confuse smile.

" Y/N L/N, a wealthy Remnant playboy, philanthropist, and owner of L/N Enterprises." Y/N Turns around and notice another familiar face.

"Ah well thank you but Playboy i dont do..heh" Y/N Said.

"Whatever.....he also the owner of the company that gets people kick out their home and take away their propety." Blake said getting him shock by first time knowing this.

"How dare you!" Weiss.

"And Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world and the same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." Blake said.

Weiss was silence and was fuming in anger, she storm off forgeting that Y/N was there and you notice Ruby saying she will make up for her errors. Y/N Kept on Walking and look at Thancred.

"Since when my company was taking away home and propeties" Y/N Said.

"Is a long story master, when you were away there was some corrupted bussnessman in our Radar." Thancred said.

"..." Y/N stood Silence until you notice A Sketchy guy with a cane sipping tea, he was taking the elevator up and noticing this he might be the headmaster of this school.

Y/N quickly went towards him and right on time went inside the elevator with him getting to look at him for a moment.

"Um.. Yes may i help you?" He said.

"Yes i am Y/N L/N can i have a spare of you time." Y/N said.

He took a sip of his coffee and notice the elevator door was open and he lead Y/N to his office.

"Well you need to make this quick Young lad, i have something to do." He said getting some files.

Y/N notice his Computure and walk slowly towards it "So you must be Ozpin i'm i correct?" Y/N said while quickly turning around and placing a little device on his computure.

"Yes..?" Ozpin said .

"You kinda late to the party and i was wondering if i could enroll in this school?" Y/N Said while moving around and inspecting the room he is in.

"Did you recieve one of my invitation?" Ozpin said.

"No actually, ive been so facinated by your school that this might be a place for me..." Y/N Said.

"Uh huh" Ozpin took another sip.

"Look the truth is, i own a very large company and i want to make that company have a great future..ever since my parents died and left me with this huge responsibility. I wanted to go to a academy and learn more about remanant but none other academy has what i am looking for except for this one." Y/N Said.

"Uh huh what was your name again?" Ozpin said "I might find you in our database."

Y/N knew he was about to check your name in his list then taking the old excuse of story, so he slowly went to his scroll and put his name on the enrollment "Y/N L/N but i dont think you gonna find me since i didnt receive a invite"

"What you talking about Young one, your name is in the list" Y/N Play aloung and put a suprise face.

"Wait really" He said while noticing his name. "Wow this is embarressing."

"Heh dont worry, your invitation might of been lost in might to hurry we going to have a assembly soon" He smiles and take another sip of his coffee.

"Oh thank you sir. im sorry for the bother." Y/N said while rushing towards the elevator and smiling towards Ozpin until the door was close and couldnt see him no more.

Y/N quickly contacts Cindy from his Home "What's up Y/N!" He see Cindy wearing nothing but short and a tank top while wearing her lab coat.

Y/N Sighs "Cindy please at least act professionally when you are at work, your very important asset on our investigation." Y/N Said.

"Awww so much love, so what you need Kiddo," Cindy said while working on the computer.

"I downloaded all the files of the headmaster computer and I want you to be in a lookout if anything out of the ordinary change." Y/N Said.

"Oh! you used my mini microchip downloader, i told you it was very useful" Cindy said.

"Heh yeah it was, keep me updated  if anything happens." Y/N Said.

"Sure thing, Oracle out" The communication was cut off but Y/N Was confuse about the nickname she put on her.

"Um...okay?" The elevator door open revealing Thancred waiting patiently outside for you.

"Ah, master Y/N did you find what you were looking for?" Thancred said while escorting him to the meeting area.

"Yeah, lets get to the ballroom. I Still need to be accepted in this school."

With that Thancred nodded and follow Y/N towards there next destination.

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