Chapter 5: Investigation

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Chapter 5: Investigation

Written by: VinylScratch7

"In other news the Whitefang strikes again on Raiding a Schnee building last night."

The news reporter was getting out the new for the morning while you were drinking you tea and working on your computure, Thancred came in and see's you working getting a sigh out of him while entering the room.

"Master Y/N you should be resting by now, you already work hard last night now your doing oum knows what" Thancred said leaving your breakfast.

"I did sleep Thancred, i just woke up early" You said while still eyes pealed in the your monitor.

Thancred knew it was a lie but wouldnt like to pester anymore "So anything new on our friends."

"Yes quite," You said to thancred while reveling three criminal photos, showing two girls and Roman. You get up from where you were sitting and showed your butler what were you dealing last night.

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First up was the ice cream-colored girl "Neo Politan she was an orphan during her childhood and apparently Roman adopt her and she inherited all of his criminal's skills also follow him around like a lapdog

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First up was the ice cream-colored girl "Neo Politan she was an orphan during her childhood and apparently Roman adopt her and she inherited all of his criminal's skills also follow him around like a lapdog. As of now, she associates of Cinder Fall and with Roman Torchwick her adopted father. Her weapon of choice is an umbrella with a concealed blade, luckily she didn't bring it out since she didn't see me as a threat."

"Such a dangerous girl if I might add," Thancred said while looking at the picture.

"Now next is Cinder Fall don't know much about her but she must have an ulterior motive for stealing a ton of dust. I got nothing on her Semblance neither this one like to keep it in the shadows. I Need to make a background check on her later."

"And last but not least Roman torchwick, we now know his companions who are working for him but is objective is still a mist, next time I see him ill reveal what's he hiding." You said while looking at the three pictures on your monitor.

"Sir are you really going through this, looking at this it may be Dangerous if you keep pestering, why not leave the professional handle this." Thancred.

"I Cant, people of Remnant needs to know that they can feel safe while walking around at night." You said while looking towards your suit.

Before thancred could say anything else, Cindy came in rushing with the fatigue of running all over here getting both you and your butler confuse.

"Um, master Cindy are you alright?" Thancred said.

"NOT NOW LOOK AT NEWS," Cindy said while unmuting the news while you and thancred look.

"So ma'am what did you see last night." The reporter said while looking at a Faunus who was cover in blanket while the police investigate the crime scene.

"I Couldnt tell what it was, honestly it look like a bat of some kind, maybe a faunus but it had a big red Bat symbol on his chest and his voice was dark and scary, i thought he was another monster and was about to hurt me." The Faunus said.

"So what happen after he arrived?" The reporter said.

"I dont know, it happen so fast, a minute i saw him in front of me while the guy was trying to rape me and seconds later he was gone with the scum who was on top of me." She said.

"DId he said something when you saw him"

"Something about your worse nightmare." This got Thancred and Cindy to look at you while you were paying attention to the news.

The report was now full screen and was giving out the headline "There you have it, this Man bat was also seen at the local dust shop that was rob and also seen at Junior club. We were about to interview the owner of the club but he wouldn't come out of the club, this is Natasha goodman on the Mystery of Man bat."

You turn off your screen and sighed on this and grab a seat and look at Cindy, where she was smiling at you "This is good news aint it people will know that there someone protecting the street."

"I May say Master Y/N you did get quite a show last night," Thancred said.

"I Don't care about the attention, all I care is protecting this city." You said while locating the pinpoint of the ship that escape last night with Roman.

"May i ask sir on what you doing?" Thancred ask while watching you work.

"Im investigating the ship and i pinpoint its location right there" You point a big red dot in the screen, "Im going to check it out"

You said while getting up from your chair "AS BATMAN!" you stop for a moment and look at Cindy with a confuse look on the name she used.

"Im sorry as who?" You ask.

"Batman, see i didnt like the name she was using ManBat sounds ugly but Batman sound so much better." Cindy said while you still confused about this.

" going as a civilian since is the safest approach." You said grabbing your jacket.

"How is it the safetest approach?" Thancred said.

"If no one there yet, i can call it like i found it to the authorities" You said while exiting the area.

"Oh boy" Thancred sighs

"Batman!" Cindy shouts.

Middle of Nowhere

You were looking at your scroll and seeing the pinpoint of the beacon. following the path, you were now in a deep forest outside of Vale. You didn't see anything out of ordinary until you spotted smoke, you rush towards and saw the ship burn and destroyed.

"Hm so much for evidence." You said to yourself while noticing a burn pamphlet on the floor, you pick it up and dust off the ash on it. "Beacon" You place an earpiece on your ear and called Thancred.

"Yes Master Y/N?" He said.

"Thancred check any fingerprints in this pamphlet I'm going send you, see if you can find something." You said while sending the picture to Thancred.

"One-moment" Thancred said

You were now looking at the fire of the ship waiting for some information "Master apparently the prints match Of Cinderfall. why would she have a pamphlet of Beacon?"

"She might be interested to Study.." You said while walking away from the wreckage.

"Very funny, but in all serious what beacon has that she needs."

A Moment of silent was made and you reveal a smirk for a moment "Thancred get my blimp ready we're going attend Beacon Academy."

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