Chapter 18: Ice Queen and Her Dark Knight PT 4

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Chapter 18: Ice Queen and Her Dark Knight

Written by: VinylScratch7

You and Weiss were in the sewer system going directly towards beacon academy where 'Poison ivy went' You were following the tracker you place on Ivy when you got close to her, Weiss was giving you daggers like she was thinking that you two were lost.

It was Silent for a moment until she finally spoke. "So how are we going to fix this?"

This made you stop and look at her "We?"

She looks at you annoyed "Yes we. You arent going to face her alone. She can control people and who knows who she got next." she said as you quietly look at you.

"Who may knows, if you get taken by her, at least ill be only one to stop you"

"Listen, she's after you. the best idea for you is to stay out of my way and let me handle this situation" You said getting up to her.

"Well tough Mr Dark Knight. your not the boss of me. so im still going with you, either you-"

"Are you prepare to hurt your friends" You said in a cold tone getting her to look at you.

"What do you mean.." She said stun by the question.

"Your right when we get there she might have the whole school under her control and by the looks of it, she might of gotten to your team." You said "The Way i see it, if they attack us without reasoning then we need to act fast and defend our self even if i need to break some of their bones to snap them out of it."

"..." Weiss stood quiet as you stood there staring at her.

"I Reccomend to stay here and wait, i can handle this alone" You said while continuing the trail.

Weiss stood there watching walk away from her and was in thought, she was afraid now. not on what will poison ivy is going to do. Is what will The Batman will do to stop her and has she was looking right now, She seeing you that you wont hesitate to hurt innocent people to handle the situation.


Twenty minute pass and the two of you had arrive to your location. Looking up you see the ladder up towards the surface. But something was off. You hear vines moving directly infront of you. You turn on Your nightvision googles and saw live vines moving around under the school sewer system.

This is bad since she has control under the school then she can collaspe everything to the grown if she wants too.

"What is it?" Weiss said as you look behind you and saw her looking at you.

You pulled out a small flash light and showed her the vines that was moving in the darkness, "Ivy has this school already in lockdown and she can pull the whole school down here if something happens"

"You mean" Weiss quickly looking at you.

"Yes she knew if i can stop her, she wont hesistate to bring everyone down with her." You said has you type something in your gauntlet.

"Great just great." Weiss Said.

the sound of your communication device was activated, making you place a finger in your helmet respond button "Sir" Thancred calls

"Batman here" You said getting Weiss to look at you.

"Is been a disaster Master L/N ivy took control the whole school, ive notice from a far that something wasnt right when i arrived so i hid from a far and waiting for you to resolve it"

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