Chapter 11: Challenger PT 3

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Chapter 11: Challenger PT 3

Writen by: VinylScratch7

The Long night appeared and the winds howls while the area was quiet, you arrived at the abandon Zoo. Landing in a Post near it, first you turn on you vision indicating if there someone is near by. At the moment there was nobody but something told you that your in the right place.

You jump of the post and landed infront of the gate. Your communicator went off and quickly answered it.

"Master L/N, Oracle has found some interesting information that she would like to share with you." Thancred said while passing the voice to Oracle.

"Okay! so the handwritting belong to a Teacher name Jeffrey Nigma, he's been a genius he's hole life and graduated top of he's class." Oracle said while you could hear crunching in the mic.

"Okay but that doesnt explain why he decided to become a murderer." You said while entering the complex.

"Im getting to that, see few , month back Nigma inlisted into the academy to become a professor, as he was about to enter with flying colors Nigma told Ozpin that he would be better if they could implemented grimm DNA on the student making them have special abilities comparing to the grimm." She said making you halt your walk.

"Wait why, doesnt everystudent have semblance?" You ask.

"Yes and no, see some of the student wasnt born with Semblance but they dedicated their life to become hunstman and huntress. Enigma Saw that as oportunity to change that and problably change the world of Remnant." Oracle.

"But Ozpin denied he's offered and left him alone, but nigma didnt stop their he capture one of the student and experimented on him, Ozpin knew what he was up too and called the authorities on him but he got away before anything could be done, after that the student pass away and ozpin was furious and destroyed everything that Nigma had in he's office."

"So nigma is out for revenge, maybe because Ozpin torch something important of him." You said.

Before you could continue the conversation, you hear the gate open behind you, you quickly hid into the shadows and waited for the people to enter. To your suprise it was Your Team entering the building.

"What the hell are they doing here?" You said while following your team.

"Yang are you sure about this?" Ruby said while feeling kinda scared being inside an abandon Zoo.

"Yeah, come on girls, this will be fun." Yang said.

"Why im i drag into this?" Weiss complain while walking behind them.

"Cause we all played truth or dare and since someone dare me to go to the Abandon Zoo then theirs no other choice, beside i wanted you girls to come with me, to make sure that i dont get attack by grimm or something." Yang said while looking around.

"Inside vale...i dont think is possible" Blake said while feeling no emotion looking around.

This got you irritated, they came here cause some stupid dare, is better to talk to them before nigma knows their here. You rush through the shadows getting blake to feel something walking beside them.

"Whats up blake?" Ruby ask noticing first her reaction.

"I feel like someone is following us." Blake said getting her weapon out.

"What you mean?" Yang ask.

"She means me" Your team jump at your voice and the huddle up and prepare their defensive formation.

"WHOS THERE!" Yang yells while preparing her gauntlet.

"You girls need to get out of here, this is no place for kids." You said once more making them notice your glowing bat on the chest, to get them to notice you.

"ITS YOU!" Ruby and Yang yelled.

"Mr Batman!!!" Ruby yells in excitement.

"Wait who?" Weiss said while still in her attacking pose.

"Oh ive been waiting this rematch" Yang said cracking her knuckles.

"You girls better get out of here..theres a dangerous man in here and your in my way To-"

The sound of the microphone of the zoo was activated and the light as well getting you and your team to notice it.

"Well well well...some party we have here...i thought i would only have one but five...what joy!" Nigma said through the microphone.

"Who's that?" Blake ask.

"Trouble" You answered.

"So im guessing you solve my first riddle now let start the real game shall oh my aint this a suprise. is the rumored Batman. what an honor. im glad your here to play too since ive been catching up and was interested in you freak."

"Now lets begin shall we...this zoo has explosive hidden all the area. if you tried to leave 'Boom' if you tried to call for help 'Boom' if you answer my riddles wrong 'Boom'"

"What hell, your a physchopath" Weiss screams.

"My calm down miss schnee...."This got her by surprise. "Yes i know all of you Blake belladonna, my oh my delicious secret but im no spoil sport...Yang and two got some mommy issues dont you." Nigma laugh.

"You sick" Yang eyes turns red.

"Now you mister Batman...i dont know nothing about you, but sooner or later ill get the answer while watching your movements and how you play."

You think for a second and is best to play with he's game "So what happens if we answer everything right?" You said

"Well of course you will Unlock a door going to the final all of you are ready to play?" Nigma said.


"We're in" You interrupted Yang getting her to look at you.

"Good good, now a very important rule...i will choose one of you to solve a helping each other cause that counts as cheating and you know if i catch you cheating"

"Boom.." Blake said

"Good the first one if for my guest of honor Batman..." The Girls look at you while you wait for the riddle.

A spotlight was reveal in to your right revealing two dead girls recently killed by something, Your team shock in horror while you were calm and waited.

"Two girls ate dinner together. They both ordered iced teas. One girl drank very fast and had finished five in the time it took the other to drink just one. The girl who drank one died, while the other survived. All of the drinks were poisoned. How did the other girl survive?"

Now let the game begin

(Can you solve this Riddle before the New chapter comes out?, comment below)

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