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September, 2013

"Bro he is so cute I would eat his face." Johnny said fanboying over certain small boy. He was sitting at the desk playing with pencil.

"What a shame you are a coward and you still didn't ask him out." His friend chuckled mocking his friend who kicked him under the table. "There is no way he would like me. Tons of people want to date him. I'm not stupid to embarrass myself. I have some pride you know." he said rolling his eyes but indeed  he was mad he didn't have balls to make a move.

Later that day Johnny decided to spend some time with himself. He went to the rooftoop and sat on the ground leaning his back against the wall. He took out pack of cigarettes and lit on placing the box next to his leg. If teacher found him he would be screwed so much.

But the waether was nice. It was silent. It was just perfect. But then he almost chocked when someone also entered the rooftoop. He hid himself noticing it was the boy he liked and some other boy he didn't exactly know. Not that he cared, right?

"Will you go out with me? I r-really like you!" the boy asked making both Johnny and... Ten widen their eyes. Johnny cursed silently clenching his fingers on cigarette. Then he looked at them again praying Ten would refuse.

The Thai boy smiled awkwardly trying to avoid other boy's eyes. He bowed slightly. "I'm sorry." he said and left the rooftoop leaving the other boy in shock. Johnny chuckled silently thinking that the boy had to fell embarrased.

And that's what he meant. He liked Ten. He adored him. Just like everyone. But he couldn't stand the rejection. He just couldn't.


"What the hell did you do yesterday Ten?" Taeyong sighed messaging his temples. After Doyoung had called him he knew what was that about to but he also didn't want to push too much.

"Don't you really have your own life Tae?" the younger one sighed sitting on the chair in his office at the back of his gallery.

Yep, his.

Because Ten was well... it would be a lie to say, regular artist. He was quite well-known but he wasn't fond of the attention he was getting.

People loved him and his art but he just wanted to live in peace. What's more it wasn't easy to find decent people from all those who wanted to be seen with Ten just to be famous.

"Oh I do, but you don't." Taeyong sighed sitting in front of him on the other side of the desk. Ten didn't respond. He just looked at his friend who was clearly worried about the younger. The other one sighed standing up and fixing his cardigan. "How are you and Jaehyun?" he asked trying to change the topic.

Taeyong also stood up and found his place next to him looking throught the window leading to the big garden at the back of the gallery. This place was kind of Ten's... He didn't let people there nor no one could see the place from the other side. It was private.

"It's good. But he spends more time at the company than at home lately. I'm worried..." he explained looking a his shoes. Ten smiled at him. "He loves you. Maybe they have some problems..."

"But he can work at home. There is no need for him to spend so much time there. He is the CEO..."

"He probably doesn't want to worry you Taeyong." Ten sighed hoping it will cheer up the other but but he didn't answer anything.

"Why don't you find yourself anyone?" he heard which made him clench his jaw. He hated this topic and Taeyong knew this yet he was still asking about that way to often for Ten's liking.

"Cause I don't want to." he replied but he sounded angry. "That's not true Ten... Kun is great, why don't you try with him? He likes you since you two met. And he is rich!" he added the last sentence giggling.

"So am I." the Thai man said turning around and closing his laptop then put it in his bag hanging it on his shoulder. "I'm going home, and you should do this as well. What would Jae say if he came back and you weren't there?" he didn't look at him, just headed to the door and waited for Taeyong to leave so he could close. "You are not to nice today..." he scoffed walking by him.

"I'm always like that." he rolled his eyes going after Taeyong. "Because you don't have a man." he shouted.  


September, 2013

Another day came and Johnny was at the rooftoop again... He wasn't surprised when the situation from yesterday repeated. But this time Ten was with another boy, Johnny recognized him as the member of student council.

Interesting. He chuckled shaking his head as he lit cigarette and placed it inbetween his lips observing them in silence.

Ten sighed holding his hands together behind his back. He was waiting for the boy to say something but he was all red and couldn't even say a word.

Something unexpected...

Before Ten said something the boy already disappeared leving him in shock but also confused. It didn't happen before.

But Johnny couldn't hold his laugh this time. It was so hilarious he just laughed forgetting to remove smoke from his lungs, which in consequence made him choke and cough really hard.

Ten noticed him finally but Johnny didn't stand up nor came closer. He was just sitting leaning on the wall. "What's so funny?" the younger boy asked trying to hide his red cheeks, because he didn't expect to see someone there, for sure not Johnny. The boy he liked.

"S-sorry It's just... I thought he would confess just like everyone." Johnny explained hoping Ten didn't think about him as some creep or weird person. "Yeah... I also thought like that." the younger one laughed shortly showing his smile which made Johnny blush slightly. Damn he was really cute.

"Would you accept?" he asked slowly.

"I'm sorry?" Ten asked not understanding what the older one meant. "Would you accept his confession?" he repeated but this time louder.

"No, I don't like those people Johnny..." he shook his head not even thinking about the response. It was obvious.

Johnny widened his eyes after hearing his name. "Y-you know me?" he asked and Ten just smiled. "Of course, why would I not?" he said like it was something normal. Of course he knew him. He observed him every time he had a chance. "I don't think that's how you confess your feelings..." Johnny said trying to stop thinking about Ten actually knowing him so he changed the topic.

The younger one tilted his head. "How should it be done then?" he wanted to know.

Johnny thought for a moment playing with cigarette. "For example he should ask what do you like to eat?" he said bravely, but seeing Ten didn't completly understood he added. "To show that he cares and want to know things about you." he nodded his head thinking about what he said.

Ten stayed in silence for a moment looking at him. He clenched his hands on his uniform at the back opening his mouth before he would change his mind. "What do you like to eat?"


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