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Taeyong came back few hours later. He knew Ten needed his own space and time so he decided to spend some time with Doyoung talking about things... He decided to explain him everything even if he knew Ten didn't allow that.

He knew Ten was devastated but he wasn't ready for the view he saw. He didn't turn on the lights not wanting to make his friend angry. He came closer and kneeled down pushing him slightly. "Ten." he whispered waiting for him to wake up.

After few second he opened his eyes blinking which was hard because of his swollen eyes. "Go to your room. I will clean this mess." he suggested with a small smile.

Ten didn't say anything. He just went to his room and closed the door.

Taeyong looked around the room and fixed his eyes on the painting which made him even more sad and mad. He didn't think his best friend would be able to do something that horrible with this thing. he was convienced it was too important for him to destroy this. Even Taeyong felt tears in his eyes because he knew how much it meant for Ten.

He didn't know what to do. But he hated Johnny right now and himself for making his friend delusional.

And he was mad for Ten for not telling the truth to the older.


Johnny opened his mouth in shock taking the card in his hands. He read few times what was written on this and couldn't believe.

"What is that?" he asked the short girl making something in the kitchen. She smiled peeling the apple. "Our invitation, honey. I sent them because I know how forgetful you are." she giggled while cutting the fruit.

"We didn't talk about that." he remarked looking at her feeling anger. She stopped cutting the apple not letting her smile to fade. "I know but I though you liked this one, so I prepared everything and sent them." she shrugged and went to clean her hands.

Johnny closed his eyes feeling somehow uneasy. "Who did you send it to?" he asked waiting for the response. "The list is on the table in living room, you can check if you want." she pointed not looking at him.

Johnny immediately went to find the paper and scanned it with his eyes. He smiled bitterly when he noticed Ten on this. He knew everything was lost now. "How do you even-" he started trying to calm himself. "How do you even know this people?" he asked. He never introdued her to half of guests visible on the list.

She stopped smiling. "I know, right? You never let them get to know me. I asked your secretary and she got this for me." she explauined not seeing anything bad in her behaviour. "Because you know, I'm your fiancee." she reminded him.

The truth was their relationship wasn't so good as it used to be. It was never perfect, but now it was even worse but she didn't want to admit this. She wanted to live in the delusion believing Johnny didn't fell out of love. She didn't even know if he ever loved her.

Johnny didn't comment on this. She dissapeared in her room not wanting to be confront about anything. She wanted to delay it in time.

Johnny on the other hand sat on the couch with his hand covering his face.


When Ten woke up for the next day he was tired. He didn't sleep much since he was too engaged in the wedding.

When he got up he looked out of the window seeing the weather was beautiful today. He thought for a second thinking how pathetic he was crying over his ex boyfriend getting married. He chuckled shaking his head.

After he dressed up and made himself look like he was okay he went to the living room to find Taeyong.

The older one smiled when he saw his friend. "I made breakfast." he smiled placing the plates on the table. "Thanks..." Ten smiled sadly feeling bad for Taeyong. The older just broke up with his boyfriend who he loved so much and now he had to take care of him. "I even baked chocolate cake." he laughed awkwardly making Ten shook his head.

"Did..." the Thai boy started after a few minutes of silence. "Did Jaehyun call you?" he wanted to know. It wasn't posibble for the other boy to ignore Taeyong like that. He knew they were in love.

Taeyong stopped moving his fork but didn't move his eyes from the meal. "He did." he answered but Ten assumed that Taeyong didn't answer the phone. "Don't you want to know what he has to say?" he asked not intend to make him angry.

But Taeyong just smiled. "I think he said enough."

Ten nodded not adding anything.

Suddenly they were interrupted buy Ten's phone. He frowned then answered with a fake smile. "Hi Kun..." he said making Taeyong chuckled silently. "Oh?" he frowned his eyes hearing Kun's question. He thought for a second. He closed his eyes taking deep breath. "Yeah, cool." he said finally.

Taeyong raised is left eybrow but didn't say anything for now. He waited for Ten to end the conversation.

When he finally did it he couldn't eait to hear what was that about. "So?"

"Kun asked me on a date." he shrugged making the other boy choke. "And you said yes?" he couldn't believe it. Ten didn't like Kun. He was literally rejecting him since they were still attending university.

The Thai boy looked down at his plate. "I should find someone, right? Kun is nice and he likes me." he explained like it was something normal. "Okay but... you don't have feelings to him." he shook his head. "Yongie... Let's be honest. I have never loved anyone the way I love Johnny. I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life and if i have a chance I want to try." he said seriously.

Taeyong stiffed. It didn't sound good at all. And he knew his friend didn't want this.


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