
86 7 0

January, 2014

"Where are we going?" Ten asked while giggling when Johnny was pulling him somewhere. "You will see." he heard in response then squinted his eyes because of the snow. "But it's cold! We will be sick." he said but then the other boy stopped and let Ten bump into him, embacing him tightly. "Then I will stay and take care of you." he said then kissed top of his head which made the younger boy blush.

"Fine." he pushed him and let Johnny pull him again. After few minutes they reached the beach. "Are you serious?" Ten couldn't believe when they stood on the sand mixed with snow. "You are crazy!" he laughed when Johnny started to run along the seaside. "Maybe I am." he shouted then take some snow making the ball and threw it at Ten.

The younger pretended to be mad at him but he did the same and it indeed hit Johnny. "That's not fair!" the older said and started to chase his boyfriend who was running away from him.

Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough which let Johnny catch him and back hug. "You are a meanie." he said next to his ear. "But you started it!" Ten tried to hold his laugh.


Taeyong let Ten breathe. He didn't started to ask questions as soon as they reached Ten's apartment.

The younger boy took a long hot bath and then when he was in his pj Taeyong sighed. "Care to explain?" he asked while pouring himself water. Ten looked at him not knowing what he meant then took a plushie in his hands and sat on the sofa. "I don't know what are you talking about." he shook his head.

Taeyong rolled his eyes and took his glass sitting next to Ten who was looking at the painting on his wall.

He remembered it. It was the first thing he painted.

"Let's be honest with each other Ten. You knew what I meant." Taeyong said tired of this already but Ten was still denying. "I have no idea what do you mean Tae. Kun just made me mad so I left." he shrugged still not looking at him.

"Please stop lying..."

"I'm not lying Taeyong!" he stood up starting to feel irritated and uneasy but his best friend who also got mad just ame closer to him. "You are! You recognized him Ten. You knew it was Johnny. We have been friends since I don't remember when and you are lying to me all the time?!" he said angry. He wasn't really mad because of this. He was mad because they were best friends.

Ten didn't say anything. He didn't know what. He didn't think it was so visible. If Taeyong knew then someone else also could. "I—" he stuttered.

Taeyong frowned at his reaction. He chuckled and placed the glass on the table planning to go to sleep. But before he did this, Ten stopped this. "Fine." he said. "But how can you say I'm lying!" he said loudly. "You have problems with Jaehyun for months already and you don't say a word. I also want to help you but how can I if you don't say anything." he explained, and this time in was Taeyong who stayd speechless.

He looked at the white floor biting his lower lip trying not to cry.

Ten noticed it. He realized he could go too far. He came closer to Taeyong and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Tae..." he apologized to him and let out a breath when the other one hugged him back. "I- I don't know Ten. He is so distant to me. H-he doesn't even want to share a bed with me anymore." he confessed sobbing.

Ten hearing this also felt like crying. He hated seeing him in this state. Taeyong didn't deserve this. "Oh, Tae..." he sighed stroking his back while his friend was crying in his shoulder. "I'm sorry Ten..."

"No, I am sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you. I don't know why I did that." he said while searching for tissues to give Taeyong. They bot sat on the fluffy carpet in Ten's room, after the owner brought a bottle of wine, and tissues.

They were sitting in silence for a few minutes drinking wine from the bottle. After Taeyong felt slightly better Ten sighed. "I recovered my memories around one year ago..." he confessed. Taeyong looked at him but didn't say anything. "Remember the party Kun threw after he opened company branch in US?" he asked and Taeyong indeed remembered this even because Ten ditched him when he was already there.

"I was about to go but I found my journal I was writing years ago. I just... saw this like a movie you know." he took a sip of the wine. "I was crying all night, I just couldn't go..." he explained and Taeyong closed his eyes thinking how hard it was for his friend. "I sorry I couldn't be with you..." he said but Ten just shook his head. "It's okay Tae... I- i know it's all gone. He has fiancee, he doesn't love me anymore. And he forgot everything probably. Let's not mention it." he said fastly but Taeyong knew he was pretending.

He also noticed that Ten was crying right now but didn't want to point it out.

"Jaehyun started avoiding me three months ago..." he said when Ten slightly calmed down. "He... stays at the company all days... When he comes back he doesn't talk to me, he doesn't even hug me anymore..." he added breaking inside. He couldn't stand it.

He loved him so much and didn't want to think about Jaehyun not loving him anymore... or c-cheating.

"Maybe he really has hard times in work?" Ten suggested again. He was worried about them. He knew they were perfect couple and didn't want them to break apart.

"They are doing great Ten." he heard and didn't say anything. Taeyong also stayed silent. "Let's go to sleep okay?" the younger one suggested when he noticed they were run out of wine. Taeyong nodded.


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