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"Why don't you visit me anymore?" Ten's mother asked bitterly when she noticed her son appeared in her house after a long time. He placed a bags on the table after he did grocery for her. Yes, he drove there to do groceries and argue.

"I'm busy mother, you know about that. And you live pretty far..." he sighed ignoring her tone. "Yes, you are busy doing paintings. And it is you who lives far." she chuckled shaking her head then she covered her body with blanket and came into the kitchen. "That's my job. I do this becuase I love it." he responded separating groceries and putting them in their places.

"You wasted your life son. I told you to marry Kun but you didn't listen to me. As always. He is a decent man, he would take care of you and your well being." she explained.

"Stop with this already. I didn't come here to argue with you again. If you stopped mocking me all the time you would see me more often." he said trying to let go of his anger but he was really pissed.

He was almost 27 and his mother was trying to constantly control his life. That wasn't the only reason he distanced himself from her but that's not the topic for now.

"I want the best for you." she sighed after thinking. She always wanted the best for him. All her life she wanted to do everything to make her son happy. But after he lost his memory... all was gone. And she didn't want to push him more. He was tired enough.

"I will call you mom." his tone was nicer. He hugged her and headed to the door. "Take care of yourself and do not overwork yourself." he said then left with sad expression on his face.


September, 2013

"You are an idiot John, I can't believe we are siblings." Mark facepalmed after what he heard from Johnny. "I'm older watch your mouth kid." he said looking at him angrily.

"How can I when you literally rejected the boy you like?!" Mark stood up and looked at him like he was an idiot. Well, because he was.

"What are you talking about? I didn't reject him. He didn't even confess!" Johnny also stood up starting to worry about something he wasn't even sure he said. "You told him that confessing is about asking about the food, Johnny. And what did he do? He asked you about food?! Maybe he didn't think you were so stupid." Mark finally explained everything.

Johnny closed his mouth analyzing what his brother just said. He remainded himself about the meeting with Ten and then he widened his eyes. "Fuck." he shouted walking in a circle. "Fuck, I'm so stupid I hate myself. He probably thinks I rejected him Mark!" he shaked his brother's shoulders.

"That's what I tried to say." he shrugged his hands off and shook his head leving the living room. He was afraid that his brother's stupidity will come after him. And he didn't want to. "Thanks Mark, I gotta go." he said and took his hoodie with him then left the house. "But it's snowing..." the younger boy said but Johnny was already gone.

He just shrugged and went to his room.


"You are going to the party tomorrow Ten." Doyoung pointed at him with his finger. "Don't look at me like that." he added when he noticed Ten's face.

"Is it really necessary?" the Thai male sighed messaging his temples because suddenly his head started to ache. "Of course it is. People will forget how you look like. You are famous, you can't avoid everyone if you want to achive something." Doyoung said worried and Ten rolled his eyes.

Always the same. Everyone wanted him to achive something. But what exactly? He had fame. He had money. He had friends. What's more should he achive?

"Fine, where is it?" he asked looking at the older boy who let out a loud breath hearing Ten agreed to go. He wouldn't have to hear about where is Ten again. To be honest Doyoung was almost sure he was sweating always when someone asked him about the younger male.

He handed the smaller boy the card with the name of place and smiled. "It's closed party. Only chosen people will be there. "Did you send invitation to Taeyong and Jaehyun?"

"Yes." Doyoung nodded and headed to the doors. "Gotta go, I think Taeil will start think I'm cheating on him soon." he chuckled and Ten shook his head in diesbelief.

Let's say Doyoung was his manager, but in private they were all friends with each other. It was nice to work with you know. Everything was just much easier.


September, 2013

Ten closed the doors of the convinience store where he had a part time job. Tonight he was the one to close so it was already late, around 9. He shivered when he felt cold air on his body and noticed snow who was slowly falling on the ground.

He heard the car hong so he turned around to find his mother and quickly entered the car to warm himself. "It's so cold." he said cleaning his hair from the snow. "You should have dressed up warm. I told you they said it would be cold today." she chuckled helping him then she turned on the engine and headed to their house.

Ten sighed and leaned his head against the cold window looking outside at the snowy streets. But suddenly he noticed someone outside standing on the roadside. "Stop the car!" he said loudly which stratled his mom slightly. "I can't." she said looking for appropariate place to stop.

After few seconds she stopped and before she said something Ten already left the car, going to the person he noticed.

He frowned recognizing Johnny only with his hoodie on. The boy was shivering and his cheeks were red from cold. He looked at Ten. "What are you doing here? In the middle of the road." the Thai boy asked worriedly. Johnny looked like he was about to faint in any second.

"W-what is your f-favorite food?" he asked not thinking too much. He also didn't care about the state he was in and the weather. "What? Are you crazy?" Ten didn't understood. How could someone think about food being so cold. Or maybe Johnny really went crazy after his body froze.

"What is your favorite food?" he asked again and Ten clenched his fist worrying about Johnny will have hypothermia. "Umm, pad thai?" he said hoping Johnny will go hide or somwhere warm. But instead he smiled. "Mine is samgyeopsal." he chuckled.

And just now Ten realized. He blushed but it wasn't visible since he was already red from cold. "I like you." Johnny said suddenly making him widen his eyes. "W-what?" the younger one felt butterflies in his stomach. Was it real? "I said I like you." he repeated and hugged him tightly, closing Ten in his embrace making him shy. But he hugged him back still feeling embarrased. He was afraid that when he would open his eyes everything would be gone.

Honestly he couldn't wait this moment. Johnny was so tall and nice. Just like he imagined. "Hey! Ten's mother shouted and threw the blanket she took from her car. She made them tore apart. "I want him home before 12." she said then came back to her car, smiling.


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