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"I genuinely thought you just ditched me again." Ten said when he finally saw Taeyong and Jaehyun next to him. "It's almost your party Ten, you have other friends here." Taeyong chuckled making Ten roll his eyes.

"You mean Doyoung who wants to shout at me everytime he looks at me or Kun who constantly wants to ask me on a date? Or maybe this old man who is staring at me since I came which makes me wanna puke." he started to count while poinitng at people and his head started to hurt.

"Fine, fine. We just had a little problem." he smiled weakly but Ten could say it wasn't just a problem. Something had to happen. "I will go take a drink." Jaehyun said and left them alone making Taeyong let out a sigh. "Spill, right now." Ten said quieter but the other one just shook his head. "No Ten, not today."

Before Ten said something he heard Doyoung calling him. "What happened?" he asked seeing his face. "Someone is asking about you. Can you go there and let me relax for a second? I need to drink something stronger." he begged wiping his forehead from sweat. "Are you seriously sweating?" the younger one narrowed his eyes trying hold his laugh.

"Just go there." Doyoung said and took his place next to Taeyong who laughed seeing him in this state. "You are so hard working hyung, there is even no need to do this." he explained and Doyoung just rolled his eyes. "If it's not me he would probably be drunk and alone somewhere right now." he pointed at Ten who was talking and smiling with some people he didn't even know.

Taeyong sighed and smiled sadly nodding his head slowly. Sometimes Ten was a real mess.


October, 2013

"He is so cute, Tae!" Ten squeacked then covered his mouth reminding himself they were still in class. The other boy chuckled writing something in his notebook. "I told you he liked you." he sent him a glare.

"Fine..." Ten replied but he couldn't stay still. He couldn't believe they were finally together. It was like the best dream. "What are you even writing?" he looked closer at the notebook Taeyong was writing in. "It's an essay about Joseon dynasty." he explained still writing.

"And you are doing this now? Like you are writing an essay ten minutes before handing this out?" he wanted to be sure but he knew Taeyong, but he didn't got the response. "Looks like the love of your life is coming." he heard then looked at the corridir when he noticed Johnny who shyly entered his class.

"Hi." the older boy said making Ten blush. He looked at his hands then came back to looking at Johnny who smiled at him. "Hi." he said cutely. "Remember we are going to the park today?" he asked sitting on the desk next to Ten.

"I do." the smaller boy blushed even more when he noticed and heard other students complimenting them or saying how they were jealous. "Then wear something warm, okay? I don't want you to be cold." he placed a hand on his cheek. "Said the person staying in the snow with only hoodie on." he snapped but Johnny just rolled his eyes and left the class turning to Ten once again and waving at him. "Johnny Suh, come back here!" they heard and mentioned boy looked left to see angry teacher going after him. "Gotta go!" he smiled and left making Ten giggle.

"You are really whipped my friend." Taeyong shook his head at the cute interaction of them. "Oh shut up."


"I'm so tired." Ten gasped when he had finally some rest. "Everyone wanted to give me their number. Oh, I also was aked to be on the magazine's cover." he said to Taeyong who was standing alone next to the drinks. "Where is Jaehyun?" he asked looking around.

The other boy looked at the wine in his hand and smiled. "He left." he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry?" the Thai male thought he misheard. "He left Ten. He told me he had work to do and just left." he said trying not to say something mean.

Ten couldn't believe what happened. He remembered Taeyong and Jaehyun being so lovely couple. Always. Since he rememered. He didn't know what happened and he didn't want to push Taeyong. He could see the older was tired enough. "You are staying at mine today." he said seriously and Taeyong didn't even want to protest.

"Look who's coming." Taeyong changhed the topic making Ten turn his head. "Please not again." he sighed but put a fake smile on his face. "Hi Ten, Taeyong." Kun nodded at the other boy. "Let's drink?" he gave him the glass filled with probably red wine. "Thanks." Ten politely accepted counting on help from Taeyong but he just laughed silently.

"So how is it going? In China?" Ten asked Kun to prevent the uncomfortable silence. "It's pretty good. I think I will stay here longer, you know maybe I will think about my company extension." he said smiling at Ten cursed inside. He wasn't to pleased thinking about Kun walking around who knows how long. "That's... that's great."

"Oh, I also have small question to you." Kun said then took a sip of his drink, as well as Ten who looked around the room, feeling someone eyes on him.

Then he noticed. Those familiar eyes... looking straight at him. Tall, handsome, blonde hair but he could still recognize him well. This familiar face...

Standing there with a glass in his hand. Ten couldn't stop looking. Then he noticed him putting the glass down and starting to slowly coming in his direction.

Ten felt his heart beating fastly, he could hear blood in his veins. The closer the person was the more stressed he was.

"-en. Ten!" he finally looked at Kun who was calling him but he was so distrcted he didn't even notice he poured the wine on his, really expensive, clothes. "Let me help you." Kun wanted to find a tissue but Ten didn't let him. "I'm sorry, let's talk another time. I have to go." he said with shaky voice searching for Taeyong, and little did he know the older was observing him all the time.

"I think we have to talk, don't we?" he said when he reached Ten next to the door where he was waiting for their driver and he already knew Taeyong wouldn't leave him without explanation


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