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"What are you going to do?" Doyoung asked when he found Ten in the office. He was packing some things of his. "I will leave for a few days." he answered and Doyoung nodded. The wedding was in five days and Ten didn't say a word about this.


Ten sighed closing the blinds in is office then heading to the doors. "Hometown." he shrugged his shoulders. "But-"

"I have some things to do Doyoung..." he said before the other boy commented. "Take care of this place okay?" he chuckled and Doyoung rolled his eyes. "Yeah... text sometimes." he heard before he left the gallery.

He headed to his home where he grabbed his bag he had packed the day before. "You sure you will be okay?" he asked Taeyong who just smiled also waiting for leaving. "Of course Ten... Remember to call me everyday." he ordered him when Ten closed the door and headed to his car. "I will, and you be careful. I still don't trust Jaehyun after what he did." he narrowed his eyes warning his best friend who just shook his head in disbelief. "Whatever, just go." he chuckled.

After four hours he reached his home when he greeted his mother who was happy her son finally visited her. "I was here some time ago." he shook his head going to his old room.

He looked around and smiled. Every detail reminded him about old times when he was still high school student. He put his bag on the bed and sat on his bed fixing his eyes on the wall filled with photos and posters.

Since it was kind of late he just laid on his bed just to relax in his his old room. He didn't even notice when he fell asleep and woke up the next day noon.

Well, it seemed like he was too stressed because of the last events so he hadn't had much sleep lately.

He went to the living room to notice his mother wasn't home. He looked out of the window and smiled seeing the sun on the sky.

Before he left his house he ate something and grabbed his hoodie. He went to the place where he used to spend time, next to the big tree. The smile appeared on his face when he noticed the place still looked the same, well maybe apart from the bench which was old.

He sat there and closed his eyes feeling the slightly cold air on his face. Suddenly he remembered something. He opened his eyes widely and turned around too look at the place next to the tree.


April, 2015

"But I don't know what should I put here." Ten complained looking at the box Johnny was holding. The older smile and gave it to his boyfriend. "Something dear to you. With memories. I already put mine things there but don't look at them. We will do it together in ten years." he smiled and the younger one blushed thinking about the future with Johnny.

"Fine. I will find something." he rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his happiness. "Call me when you are done and we will bury the box together, okay?" he asked holding his hand gently.

Ten nodded and got a kiss on his forehead.


Ten coughed when he opened the box which he found where they put it years ago. He grabbed the lock but frowned noticing it was unlocked.

He was surprised because the box was supposed to be open in one year if he counted right.

Ten opened the box and smiled seeing the things he placed there. He grabbed one of the photos which was showing him and Johnny with the sea behind them. He remembered that day well.

He also chuckled at the coupon to their favorite restaurant. But what made him frown again when he noticed the envelope on the top. It didn't look as ols as the rest of the things.

He wasn't sure if he should take this but after all he did and decided to tore the paper taking out the letter. It wasn't long but what really stood out to him was the note on the bottom of the sheet.

He widened his eyes when he read the year cause it was written two years ago. That's why the envelope looked so new. Because you can say it was new. Johnny had to be there two years ago.

Still thinking about Ten.

Still thinking about their love.

He never lost hope.

Not like the younger.

He took the deep breath before he decided to read the letter.

Dear Ten,

I don't know if you ever read this, cause you proably don't even remember about this box we buried here together.

I hope you are doing well, I know we are not supposed to open the box before the date we established but I had to...

So how many years have passed?

I guess a lot...

I don't know if you are married or even have kids? You were always saying kids were cute so you probably live happily right now with your family.

The letter is the goodbye? Sorry... that sounded like I wanted to do something stupid.

What I mean.. is that I love you.

I never stopped loving you and I will probably love you forever.

You are the love of my live and... I gave you my heart once even if you don't remember now but it's yours. It will always be yours.

Yours, Johnny.

Ten sniffed when he finished reading. He didn't even notice he was crying and the tears was dropping on the letter. He wiped his cheeks with his hoodie and let himself cry this out.

"I'm—I'm so stupid." he sobbed into his hoddie still holding the letter. "I love him. I love him so much. I won't ever stop." he said to himself shaking his head. He thought about the wedding in few days.

His couldn't let him go. He couldn't lose him. Not again...

He won't give him away without fighting.

I guess two chapters left :((

First Love,, johntenWhere stories live. Discover now