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Felix covered his eyes with his palm to shelter them from the rain as he squinted through the dark streets, trying to spot an approaching bus.

he breathed a deep sigh of relief when he finally saw the dimly lit bus steadily nearing him. He had already missed two of them and he really needed to get home. See, Felix had been working late tonight but because it was raining the buses hadn't seen his frantic waves.

He reached his arm out, hoping the driver would notice, seeing as the rain had calmed a bit. And to his luck, the driver pulled over, opening the doors and allowing him to step inside, the cold air conditioning of the bus hitting him and making his dripping wet body shiver.

Felix quickly made his way to the front of the bus, taking a seat as the vehicle lurched forward and popped his AirPods in, deciding to watch some TikTok's while he waited for his stop. As Felix was preoccupied he noticed the bus stop for a tall male with sleek black hair that framed his face nicely. Felix didn't get a chance to admire the man for long though, seeing as he plopped down right at the back of the bus.

Felix sighed, knowing admiring strangers wasn't going to make him feel any better about his own ass. The bus stopped again, allowing two drunken men to stumble inside, immediately eyeing the freckled blonde male seated at the very front of the bus. Felix shifted uncomfortably, carefully taking his AirPods out to regain his full sense of hearing.

The bus moved forward, making the two men crash into the wall of the bus, making their way to the seat behind Felix.

Felix breathed a sigh of relief, hoping they had decided to leave him alone but his thoughts were interrupted by a hand caressing his shoulder. "Hey pretty, what are you doing out this late at night?" One of the men slurred, sounding completely wasted.

Felix quickly flinched, pulling away from the strangers hand. "Trying to avoid men like you." Felix responded, standing up to move to a different seat. However he stopped when a hand gripped his wrist, twisting it painfully. "Come sit on my lap, doll." The other man spoke, patting his thigh with his free hand.

Felix whimpered in pain, trying to free himself from the strangers grasp. "Stop moving or we will have to do this the hard way darling." One of them growled, reaching forward to pull the blonde male towards him.

"Do what the hard way?" A new voice spoke, standing in the middle of the moving bus with a cold look on his handsome face. 

"You know what." The one holding Felix's wrist smirked, tugging him to sit on his lap. Felix hissed in pain, his wrist probably red and inflamed from the tight grip. He resisted as much as he could before the handsome male reached forward, punching the man in the face. "Not on my watch." The man hissed, holding out his wallet. It was an ID, a police ID.

"Hwang Hyunjin, head of the Seoul Police department." He introduced, smirking at the shocked looks on the males faces.

He was quick to take Felix's hand away from the elder males grip as he had become distracted, pulling the petite blonde to his seat at the back of the bus. "Stay here." He murmured, walking back towards the drunk men who were angrily bickering.

He walked past them, stopping near the bus driver.

"Please stop this bus." He muttered, "there's a boy being harassed." He explained, thanking the man as the bus pulled over abruptly.

The handsome male walked back towards the two men and gripped their wrists, practically throwing them out the bus.

"You get off easy this time but if I catch you again there will be a penalty." Hyunjin growled, his veins coursing with venom, angry that people had no shame in acts like these.

The two men grumbled irritably, but didn't talk back, Hyunjin sighing as the bus drove away. He made his way back to his seat where a trembling Felix was seated. He had been watching the scene unfold, gripping tightly on the fabric of his sweater.

"Hey.." Hyunjin murmured, taking a seat beside the blonde male. "Are you okay?" He asked, his face showing genuine concern for the blonde boy.

Felix inhaled sharply, "I'm alright, thank you though, that could've gotten a lot worse." He flashed the officer a small smile, glancing out the window and standing up abruptly. "Shit! I've missed my stop." Felix groaned, quickly pulling out his phone to call his roommate Minho.

Hyunjin watched with a peculiar interest as Felix called numerous times, none of his calls being picked up.

"Aish hes with Sungie isn't he?" Felix mumbled to himself, trying all of his friends numbers, but seeing as it was late nobody picked up.

"Wow, nice to know if I was dying none of you would care." He whispered, finally dialling his boyfriends number.

"I can-" Hyunjin started, but Felix had raised his phone to his ear already, not hearing what Hyunjin had tried to say.

"H-Hey." Felix whispered, shocked that Changbin picked up out of everyone considering he was usually out at clubs. Changbin greeted from the other end of the phone. "What are you doing?" Felix asked, trying to start conversation. "I'm about to go to sleep, can I help you with anything?" Changbin asked, sounding a bit drowsy.

Felix sighed, "um.. it's okay, you get some rest." He replied, fidgeting a bit. "Okay." Changbin replied, not bothering to ask what was wrong."

"Okay." Felix repeated, "goodnight, I love you." He mumbled, his face falling as he was a bit saddened by his boyfriends delayed response. "You too, goodnight." He murmured, sounding torn.

Felix pulled the phone away from his ear, hanging up the call.

"I was going to offer to give you a ride if you need one." Hyunjin spoke, leaning back on the bus seat.

Felix perked up a bit at that, "are you sure? I mean.. you don't have to!" Felix smiled, but raised an eyebrow as an afterthought "But where's your car?" Felix asked, purely out of curiosity. Hyunjin smiled, "of course, it's my duty to protect the citizens, and my car is parked a few stops away." Hyunjin explained, grinning as Felix jumped up and down. "Thank you so much Mr..?"  Felix hesitated, trying to remember the name on the elders ID.

"Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin, and you are?" The officer introduced himself, smiling as the blonde boy murmured a quiet "Felix".

Felix hadn't meant to speak so quietly but something about the elder took his breath away. He shook it off though, remembering his boyfriend who was at home, sleeping peacefully. Or so he hoped.

My Officer • H.H.J x L.F.L •Where stories live. Discover now