Chapter 9- Jamie's a great dad!

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Tessa's POV

"I'm going to get McDonalds, do you want?"

"That's not healthy," I pointed out.

Brent shook his head and chuckled. He then looked down at the gold watch on his wrist. "Gideon should be arriving any minute now," he announced and I gave a nod. "What do you want?" he asked as he pulled out his wallet from the pocket of his dark blue jeans.

"No thanks, I'll go grab myself coffee," I answered with a small smile. I was about to give Brent money for Jay and Jessie but he declined and took them with him to McDonalds in the food court as I went to Coffee House there as well. There were six people in front of me and the line didn't seem to be moving fast at all. I stood there waiting with my fingers tapping lightly on my large purse. It was filled with extra make- up, my wallet, the twins' clothes, diapers and other necessities.

I kept a look out for Gideon every now and then. I remembered his face very well dropping off that letter and giving me a short speech on second chances. He sent some clothes and toys for the twins which came early this morning to my parents' house. Jessie and Jay wasted no time in opening the boxes as soon as my mom dropped them over. I was grateful that Gideon sent a few stuffed animals for them and Jessie seemed to like them a lot.

He was doing way more than Jamie, I knew that.

Even Brent, Ed, Josh and Jake were doing and had done way more than Jamie for the twins.

 I still had not gotten over the fact that he stood me up. I hated that I believed him when he said he would be there.

I hated the fact that I believed he would have shown up and we could be a family.

Thinking it made me want to laugh out loud. Jamie and I could never be a family again. He didn't even take any interest in showing up to meet his children. He, instead, boarding a plane back to London and left.

Such a great father!

"Tessa?" a British masculine voice asked as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to the side to see a gray haired tall slender man dressed in a black trench coat and long black trousers.

"Gideon," I greeted him with a smile. He was the same man I met years ago. He didn't even look different at all! It was as though he stopped aging. 

"Yes," he gave a polite nod and smile to go with it. I looked to see if someone was behind me but there was no one so I introduced myself to him formally.

"I'm just going to get some coffee, do you want any?" I offered him.

"No, thank you," he turned down my offer, "I like to make my own coffee."

"Okay, well you can go grab a seat in the meanwhile," I advised him. "My friend took Jessie and Jay with him." Gideon nodded and headed off to find us a seat in the busy and loud court.

It took me a while to get myself some coffee. The cashier didn't seem to know how to work the cash register machine well which resulted in the dead movement of the customer line. Also, some customers wasted time in quarreling with the young lady.

When I got my coffee, I looked around to find Gideon but instead I saw Jay, Jessie and Brent now exiting the McDonalds line. Brent held three brown bags in his mouth and Jay held his right hand while Jessie held his left. I immediately walked over to them and took the bags from Brent's mouth.

"Thank you," he let out a breadth of air.

"Want me to take Jessie?" I asked.

"Nope," he shook his head, "I'm fine. Let's go grab a seat."

"Gideon should be around here...somewhere..." My voice trailed off as I tip toed and looked for Gideon in the large crowd. My eyes scanned over each head until I spotted Gideon's gray straight hair. "He's over there," I pointed to the middle of the food court and led them there.

Gideon stood up as soon as he saw us to greet us. There were only four chairs there but when Gideon saw Brent, he observed him from head to toe and I knew he was wondering whether Brent was my significant other.

"Jay and Jessie, this is Gideon," I told the twins but they only glanced at him and then turned their attention to their surroundings. Gideon looked at them with a smile full of admiration.

"Jay looks unbelievably like Jamie," he whispered to me.

"This is Brent, my friend," I introduced the two, "Brent, this is Gideon. He's Jamie's butler." They both shook hands and Brent pulled a chair from a nearby vacant table. We all then took a seat and I placed the brown bags on the table. Brent say next to Jay who was on my left.

"Are you both hungry?" I asked my children.

"Nooo," they both answered in unison and Brent chuckled at them. He really did like them and I liked that about him- how good he was with them, too.

"No. You are supposed to say no thank you," I corrected them.

"No thank you," they said again except it sound like 'nothingyou'. Brent opened his bag and started to eat his fries while Jay and Jessie looked around the food court and kept quiet.

"So, Gideon, what is he up to these days?" I asked about Jamie openly. Just because I was angry with him, it didn't mean that I stopped caring about him completely.

Gideon cleared his throat before answering, "Master James has been on a little break from acting. He has been with his band and they have been doing a few shows now and then."

"Is that why he boarded a plane so quickly? His band had an emergency or was he needed for a family matter immediately?" I questioned trying very hard to make sense of the situation. Gideon hung his head ashamed of Jamie's actions and Brent sent me a pout.

"I just want to know the reason behind it," I sighed after a minute of silence passed without any of them saying anything. I could not blame them for remaining silent. What were they suppose to say?

"Tessa, I would love to get that reason for you but it is unknown to me as well," Gideon said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Each time I asked, he never replied."

I looked away and gave yet another sigh. I watched as a couple sat a few feet away with a baby girl that looked to be around 5 months. The brunette held her daughter in her arms and the father who couldn't be older than me, watched at them with admiration in his eyes. I turned my attention back to Gideon when I began to feel a pang of hurt that Jamie would never look at Jay and Jessie like that.

"What does his family have to say about this? What about Samuel?" I questioned, the inquisitive part of me starting to show.

Gideon looked at me with a frown. "Master Samuel is well but Tessa, I think you are mistaken. Master James' family knows nothing about the children."

Author's Note : I'm sorry if it's crap but promise me you'll tell me if it is. I have not written in so long but it feels good to be working on this book again! Vote, comment or both? How are you guys? I hope you're great and thanks for taking time out of your day and reading this. It really means a lot! 


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