olympercy part 1

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\On Olympus:

Third person POV

" farther I am bored " Apollo complained

"Me too " Hermes chimed in.

"Farther, why do we have to study on Olympus?" asks Athena gently.

"Because I said so, " Zeus huffs in reply.

From opposite Apollo, Aphrodite giggles and says "I know why," with a bit of cough ( why do I imagine her as Umbridge sometimes) Zeus glares at her. smirking, she says " Zeus's nasty temper is all because the pretty boy Perseus won't fall in love with him ." Hera turns angrily to Zeus who surprisingly nods in agreement.

"However," Aphrodite slyly continues, " I could make Percy fall in love with you, in fact, all of you." she pulls puppy dog eyes and says "please Zeus"

Apollo and Hermes look eagerly at their father and Zeus nods, pleased.

Aphrodite looks triumphant, hera furious, Demeter bored, Athena scandalised, Artemis disgusted and Hestia beaming.

Meanwhile at Camp Half-Blood ....

Annabeth POV

A month ago Percy and I broke up.

A month ago Percy broke down and I comforted him.

A month ago Percy came out as bi.

A month ago Percy sank into depression.

A little over a month ago, Percy came bursting into my cabin. His sobs were gut-wrenching. Confused, I grabbed his hand and pulled him onto my bed, I shooed the rest of the Athena cabin out who were looking on in interest, and I asked Percy what was wrong.

Slowly, he began to tell me " I'm bisexual, wise girl . I had a crush on Luke and now I have one with someone else . How could I let that happen? I have betrayed you, Annie. I'm sorry" he burst into vigorous sobs. Once I had calmed him down a bit I said gently" it's ok Percy, it's not your fault. I sort of guessed your feelings for Luke, remember I had one on him too, and I completely support you with your new crush. I promise to help you in any way I can." I pull him close and say " I swear on the river Styx I will help you any way I can."

Percy says in hiccups, calmer now, "thanks, wise girl." I reply " no problem, perhaps it will be best if we stay as friends anyway." he nods and smiles then says " best friends," I say "cool" to him and smile.

A few weeks later he came out to everyone, however not all were kind.

Percy POV

The night I came out I had significant support and I felt blessed. Nico came over to me, who had also recently come out and people seem to think something is going on between him and Will Solace ( who is gay). Nico clasps my shoulder and says "Jackson, you should have told me, I could have had a chance." it takes me a few seconds to realise what he is saying before I splutter" you mean.... You ... like... me ... you." he nods. I paused for a second then grinned at him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a scowling son of Hermes, I smile at him but he just snarls and leaves. When I returned to my cabin I found a smashed window and a brick with a note attached which said ' I don't like you so leave me alone, you freak, and be normal like the rest of us.' it had no name but I could guess who it was. I sink to my knees and sob.

Hermes POV

We watched as Percy sank into depression.

We watched as my sons hurt him again and again.

We watched my sons turn most of the camp against him, save a few of his friends.

We watched as his remaining friends tried to comfort him.

We watched as Percy started thinking of suicide.

We watched and we did nothing, no matter how much it hurts us and it does. It does. That's the worst part of immortality. That's why so many turned against us in the titan war. They thought we did not love them as we could not show it. Finally, it got too much, so I decided I was going to see Percy tomorrow to try and cheer him up. It's a good thing I did.

The Next Day -

I walked through the streets and reached Percy's apartment and rang the doorbell. As quick as light Percy's mother opened the door, even faster I snapped my fingers and a parcel appeared in my hand. She looks confused for a second then says

" Lord Hermes," with a curtsey "my son is the upstairs first door to the right."

" Thank you, Miss Jackson, no need for formality."

Surprised she says " oh, well ok, anyway it's Mrs Blofis now me and paul, Percy's stepfather, are married.'' I congratulate her and make a note in my head to get Poseidon to check this Paul out to see if he is worthy enough.

I ascend the stairs and knock to no reply. I walk into the room and am horrified to see blood everywhere and even more horrified to see Percy in the centre of it with slashed wrists with an "oh!" from behind me Sally collapses into Paul's

arms. I scoop Percy gently into my arms and flash us all to Olympus.

Apollo POV

I sit on my throne barely listening to Zeus's announcements on the dusty, old titans. Wonder where herms are. Zeus had a fit when he didn't turn up halfway through the meeting Hermes flashed in carrying a demigod in his arms and 2 mortals beside him. Zeus stops and bel; lows "what are mortals doing here and where have you been ....?" he falters when he catches sight of what Hermes is holding, Hermes looks at me desperately.

I looked and immediately sprinted off my throne. It was Percy the prettiest thing in the whole world .. but he was covered in a lot of blood. I take him to my room with the mortals and gods following in my wake... like a funeral procession.


I wake up groggily in a bed with soft gold covers. I look to my left and scream. It's Apollo in bed with me. I look below the covers and am relieved to see we are fully clothed. I realise this must be Apollo's bed... Last night floods came back into my head. . damn, I was so stupid.I thought I was more potent than that. I must have some issues. Apollo sits up and says with a chuckle " most that wake up and find themselves in my bed do not scream. I blush down to my feet and say "well, what happens then?" he smirks, saying it all to me.

Apollo then helps me dress ( he turned away , don't worry) ) and tells me that I am wanted in the throne room .Oh great , just what I need is a bunch of questioning Olympians. I slowly walk to the throne room with Apollo in tow. I brace myself for the next hour or so. I walk in and all the muttering stops - just my luck all the Olympians are present along with a lot of my demigod friends , my father and some Atlanteans including triton and amphitrite. Apollo comes up behind me and squeezes my shoulder . He says "come on , pretty boy! You can do this." 

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