The stolls ( stollackson )

886 10 7

REQUESTER : jus_drein_jus_down

Connor POV 

It's been 2 months since Percy has gotten back from Tartarus and clearly has the demigod version of PTSD ( post - tartarus stress disorder ) . He regularly  misses dinner calls so I expect he doesn’t eat at all . no one else seems to realise . Annabeth and the rest of the 7 except for Leo are at camp jupiter . Me and my brother , Travis , decide to pluck up the courage to go speak to him . I know on the door of cabin 3 and we wait patiently . 5 minutes go past and we still hear no reply so this time Travis knocks even louder than me . no reply . This time Travis opens the door .We walk in ….

Travis POV 

We step into what looks like a crime scene . There is glass shattered everywhere,   alcohol bottles,  blood , clothes , shredded photos and hair .  In the centre of it was Percy , who was clutching his knees to his chest . He was sobbing . We look at Percy , helplessly . man-sobs are very different from a woman's : they are full of heart retching pain and heartbreak . We slowly walk over to Percy , avoiding all the litter and sitting down next to him . Conner sits down next to him and puts an arm around him whilst I hold his hand , something I have always wanted to do , Percy has always been our crush . ALWAYS . 

Sorry i had to do that 

Leo and Nico came about 30 minutes later  and walked past the door . shoot ! We left the door open . Leo raises an eyebrow then pauses . they both take in the scene . they look at percy . They rush over and Nico ushers us out of the door . Good ! hopefully they know what to do . I hear shouting and the door swings open. It’s Leo, he says Percy wants us . We push Leo out of the way and go straight to Percy . 

He has tears streaming down his face . His eyes were puffy . He smiled weakly at us and opened his arms . we dive into them . Nico and Leo smile and kiss and then leave . Thank God! Percy snuggles against me and Connor squeezes Percy's hand . I suddenly got an idea to cheer Percy up . i boop him on the nose and say “ boop “ i emphasise the “p” . Connor does the same , smiling . Percy giggles like a 2 year old and the blushes . cute 

Connor POV 

We have started off small . making him crack smiles , spend time with us then gradually showing himself at dinner ( their expressions were priceless ) and then returned to activities . Percy smiles more freely .  He even laughs every so often . In the meantime our crush on him has grown even more . We are sitting together by the canoe lake , me and Travis grin at each other and then push an unexpecting percy into the water and he gets soaked . He looks at us furiously .

He summons 2 huge waves to drench us . He giggles . I storm over and hug him close . He tenses . Travis comes over and tickles him . He giggles . he grabs at my shoulders . Travis helps him up  . He smiles . We run around the camp , taking it in turns to give percy piggyback rides . He's happy .  

Percy POV 
They have been helping me so much  . I feel so lame that they have to look after me but I admit I do like having someone look after me for a change because normally it’s the other way round with me doing the saving all the time . gods , i am even falling in love with them . Is that even possible ? to fall in love with 2 people . i ask to borrow Annabeth’s laptop , i search : what is a 3 person relationship called . answer : polyamory . an interesting name .

2 months later - 

I stroll through the camp holding Connor and Travis's hands  . We are official . We got together a month ago . We have set all our plans out . Once we have  finished school we are going to live in new Rome  and maybe adopt some kids . My job for the future is to be an author \writer  like my mom and write down my adventures and publish them for the camps,  new Rome and Olympus to read . My boyfriends have also insisted that I make a prank book with their help . Anyway , I decided to write this to test my writing skills . Tell me what you think. 

Word count : 750 approx . 

A/n hope you all enjoyed it and thanks for the request jus_drein_jus_down

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