Part 7

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A few hours later, Annabelle was lying on the couch and Rachel and the cubs are nowhere to be seen, implying that the ghostly entity had taken them somewhere to safety. At the same time, because her grief and sorrow drive her to despair and come, Annabelle, is seemingly normal but then, she slowly regained her vampiric powers, her teeth sprout a pair of fangs, her skin glows but a little pale, and her dark brown eyes open and turned into blood red eyes, signifying that something had reversed her to her vampiric form, possibly from apple cider vinegar detox drink she brewed to revive and reverse her friend. She gets up from the couch, stands up straight, stretches herself wide, and yawns, she doesn't remember what happened but then she remembers that something happened to her, she runs to the stairs, rushes up to the next room, races to the door of the bedroom, opens it, and runs inside, she heads to the dressing table and looking at the mirror, realizing that she was changing back to her dhampir self again. Shocked and surprised, Annabelle backs away and gasped, suddenly she was unexpectedly levitating in the air and she didn't look down without her fear. Annabelle whimpered and struggled in the air, she was unable to float down and was helpless to do so, then she was lowered down gently and slowly until she lands on the floor carefully.

"What's happening?" Annabelle wondered how she got her vampiric power back why? She remembers that once brewing the apple cider vinegar detox drink and revive, an entity ghost comes out of nowhere and carries her in his arms before taking her to the living room and placing her on the couch. It is implied that he also grants her her old vampiric powers back before it disappears in the air, then she floats down to the floor.

"I don't know what is going on." she was worried, but Rachel's cry was heard, "Rachel!" she exclaimed, and she immediately run out of the bedroom, only to sprint out at a bit of speed. As a vampire with speed, Annabelle rushes toward the door, breaks through it, and runs through the hallways, she runs downstairs and reaches the first floor where she reaches the living room. There, she finds Rachel carried by a mysterious red-masked stranger coming out of nowhere. The red-faced stranger was wearing a dark blue cowl vest with two strings on the center of a hole with brown stripes on the edges and yellow stripes and a dark blue scarf wrapped around the neck underneath the red tunic with a brown belt, a pair of brown pants, brown boots, and gloves.

"Belle, it's me." the stranger, took off the hood, removes the red mask, and revealed it to be Luke, who has been revived by the apple cider vinegar detox drink. At first, since the detox drink actually works, Annabelle shed tear droplets, gritted her teeth, and sobs, she was overjoyed to see Luke revived by the detox drink, so she runs to him and embraces him happily.

"Luke." sobbed Annabelle, hugging Luke.

"Yes, it's me. I finally redeem for what have I done to you. Our love can save us both no matter what." said Luke, staring at Annabelle's grateful eyes, the two lean their faces to each other, move their lips, and share their kiss passionately.

"I'm so sorry." Annabelle apologized to Luke for their break up and promised that their relationship will never be torn apart again.

"Let's go save the others once and for all." determined Luke, Rachel stops crying and begins to coo after seeing Luke revived by the detox drink.

"Ray, I'm so sorry." he also apologized to Rachel, and the baby giggled happily. Avery shows up and sees that Luke was revived by the detox drink.

"Luke! I'm glad you are alive!" Avery was overjoyed to see him alive.

"With this detox drink, we can save the others right away," said Luke, holding the bottle of detox drink.

Meanwhile, back at the boardwalk beach, a massive party was hosted by Applejack Smith and is surrounded by a crowd of gingerbread people cheering for the celebration as well as the wedding day. Among them were the supernatural hunters and their families and friends invited to the party to celebrate Applejack's appreciation. Gwen and Pierce are among aristocrats, socialites, and other upper-class people, Pierce was carrying Arthur while Gwen spends her time with her new friends. Priya and Zander are sitting on top of the elephant they are riding while dressed in Indian traditional wedding clothing gathered by their guests from India including Priya's family. At the beauty pageant competition, among the contestants was Hope, dressed in a pretty princess outfit and excited to be crowned as a royal princess. At the same time, Lloyd was with his band preparing for the wedding ceremony and gathering their instruments with them. Felix and the Shepherd family attended the wedding where Chief Arrow was standing next to the gingerbread priest and waiting for his wife to show up. At the same time, as the celebration is ongoing, in the meantime, far from the wedding ceremony, the gingerbread chefs along with Jones and Captain Read are preparing the delicious food while they are at the tent where the kitchen was. In the middle of the kitchen in the tent, there where Scott and Ryan are tied up and knocked unconscious along with Jason, Scott opens his eyes, looks around, and sees his father and stepmother are brainwashed by Applejack.

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